Motor Punkte Sh Re CS Dr Lc Cr St Et Dr Wa CS De Ko Ko Ch Bo S-B
01: ShashChess31-x86-64-avx2 [t8, Petrosian] 19,5/30 ·· == == 0= == 11 == == 1= 11 1= =1 == =1 1= 1= 277,75
02: Rebel-16.2 [t8] 18,5/30 == ·· == =1 == 1= 1= == 0= =1 1= == 1= =1 =1 == 270,50
03: CSTal2-v21-E1162-130-EASavx2 [t8] 18,5/30 == == ·· == == == =0 == == =1 == 1= 1= =1 11 11 257,25
04: Dragon-3.1-64bit-avx2 [t8] 18,0/30 1= =0 == ·· == == == 11 == =1 == =1 1= == 0= 11 261,75
05: Lc0 0.29.0 Nvidia RTX 3060 [j92-100] 18,0/30 == == == == ·· == == == 1= == == == =1 =1 =1 11 255,50
06: Crystal_x64_060622_Tactical_E_AVX [t8] 17,0/30 00 0= == == == ·· == 1= == 10 1= == == 11 11 1= 235,75
07: Stockfish15.1_avx2 [t8] 16,5/30 == 0= =1 == == == ·· 0= == == == =1 11 11 00 1= 240,75
08: Ethereal-14.00-pext-avx2 [t8] 16,5/30 == == == 00 == 0= 1= ·· == == == 1= == == 11 11 230,00
09: Dragon-3.1-64bit-avx2 [t8, mcts] 15,0/30 0= 1= == == 0= == == == ·· 1= == =0 == == 1= == 221,00
10: Wasp600-windows-avx [t8] 13,5/30 00 =0 =0 =0 == 01 == == 0= ·· =1 == 0= =1 11 == 188,50
11: CSTal2-v21-E1019-Elo.avx2 [t8] 13,0/30 0= 0= == == == 0= == == == =0 ·· 1= == 0= == 01 192,75
12: DeepHiarcs15 [t8] 12,5/30 =0 == 0= =0 == == =0 0= =1 == 0= ·· == == == == 184,00
13: Komodo-14.1-64bit [t8, mcts] 12,5/30 == 0= 0= 0= =0 == 00 == == 1= == == ·· =0 == =1 179,25
14: Komodo-14.1-64bit [t8] 12,5/30 =0 =0 =0 == =0 00 00 == == =0 1= == =1 ·· 1= =1 172,00
15: Chiron-5-64bit [t8] 10,0/30 0= =0 00 1= =0 00 11 00 0= 00 == == == 0= ·· 01 148,25
16: Booot6.5 [t8] 8,5/30 0= == 00 00 00 0= 0= 00 == == 10 == =0 =0 10 ·· 121,50
240 Partien gespielt / Turnier beendet
Name des Turniers: Ryzen9 3950x 2023
Ort/ Land: DESKTOP-D269HUC, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/10
Hardware: AMD Ryzen 9 3950X mit Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060 mit 12 GB Speicher
setoption name RelaxThreadLimit value true
ist hier eigentlich zu bevorzugen.setoption name RelaxThreadLimit value 1
funktioniert aber auch. (Werte > 0 funktionieren bei mir in der Konsole nicht!)info string limiting Threads to 2 cores
Motor Punkte CS Et CS Dr Re St Dr Be Lc Wa De Bo Pe Ko Ko Lc Ch De Eq De CS Co S-B
01: CSTal2-v21-E1019-Elo-avx2 [t4] 64,5/84 ···· ==== ==== 01== ==== 10=1 ==== ===1 ==1= 111= 1111 101= 1111 111= 1=== 1111 =111 11=1 1111 1111 1111 1111 2382,2
02: Ethereal-14.00-pext-avx2 [t4] 63,5/84 ==== ···· ==== 01== ==== 1==1 ==== ==== =1== 111= =1== =1== 1111 1111 1111 1=11 1110 1111 0111 1111 1111 1111 2355,0
03: CSTal2-v21-E1162-130-EAS-avx2 [t4] 63,5/84 ==== ==== ···· ==== =1== 0=== 11== 1=0= ===1 11== 111= 1111 1==1 =111 1=1= 111= ==11 1111 1=11 1111 1111 1111 2352,5
04: Dragon-3.1-64bit-avx2 [t4] 62,5/84 10== 10== ==== ···· ==== ==11 ==0= ==01 1=11 1=10 ==11 1=== 1101 1==1 11== 1111 1111 1111 =111 1111 1111 1111 2300,2
05: Rebel-16.2 [t4] 60,5/84 ==== ==== =0== ==== ···· 0==0 0=01 ===1 ==== 1==1 1==1 1=== 1==1 1=11 1=1= 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 2152,5
06: Stockfish15.1-avx2 [t4] 59,5/84 01=0 0==0 1=== ==00 1==1 ···· 11== ==0= 101= 1110 1111 1101 1=11 101= 1100 110= 1101 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 2172,0
07: Dragon-3.1-64bit-avx2 [t4, mcts] 58,5/84 ==== ==== 00== ==1= 1=10 00== ···· ==== =100 1111 =011 11=1 ===1 ===1 11== 1111 11=1 1==1 =111 1111 1111 1111 2116,7
08: Berserk-11-x64-avx2-pext [t4] 57,0/84 ===0 ==== 0=1= ==10 ===0 ==1= ==== ···· ==== 1=== =0== 1=== 1=1= =1=1 1=1= 1=1= 1111 1=11 1111 11=1 1111 1111 2063,7
09: Lc0 0.29.0 rc1 radeon gpu dx12 [753723] 55,0/84 ==0= =0== ===0 0=00 ==== 010= =011 ==== ···· =11= ==11 10=1 1=== 110= 111= 1=11 1=11 1=1= =111 1=11 1111 1111 1951,2
10: Wasp600-win-avx [t4] 45,0/84 000= 000= 00== 0=01 0==0 0001 0000 0=== =00= ···· =0=0 ==== =0== ==== 11=1 1111 111= 1111 11=1 1111 1111 1111 1394,0
11: DeepHiarcs15.0 [t4] 41,5/84 0000 =0== 000= ==00 0==0 0000 =100 =1== ==00 =1=1 ···· ===1 =1== 011= ===1 0=== =1=0 ==== 111= =111 =1=1 1111 1396,7
12: Booot7 [t4] 41,0/84 010= =0== 0000 0=== 0=== 0010 00=0 0=== 01=0 ==== ===0 ···· =1=1 00== =1== 0011 1=00 ===1 1=11 =111 1111 1=11 1396,0
13: Pedone3.1_avx2 [t4] 39,5/84 0000 0000 0==0 0010 0==0 0=00 ===0 0=0= 0=== =1== =0== =0=0 ···· ==== =111 ===0 1=1= =1== 111= 1=11 11=1 1111 1247,0
14: Komodo-14.1-64bit [t4, mcts] 39,0/84 000= 0000 =000 0==0 0=00 010= ===0 =0=0 001= ==== 100= 11== ==== ···· =11= =0=0 11== 11== 1==1 0111 101= 1111 1283,5
15: Komodo-14.1-64bit [t4] 34,5/84 0=== 0000 0=0= 00== 0=0= 0011 00== 0=0= 000= 00=0 ===0 =0== =000 =00= ···· 1111 1001 1110 10=0 1101 0111 1111 1139,7
16: Lc0 0.29.0 rc1 radeon gpu dx12 [j94-130] 30,5/84 0000 0=00 000= 0000 0000 001= 0000 0=0= 0=00 0000 1=== 1100 ===1 =1=1 0000 ···· =101 0=10 1101 =110 1101 1111 909,25
17: Chiron-5-64bit [t4] 28,5/84 =000 0001 ==00 0000 0000 0010 00=0 0000 0=00 000= =0=1 0=11 0=0= 00== 0110 =010 ···· 1==0 =01= 1==1 ==1= 1111 867,25
18: DeepShredder13UCIx64 [t4, buffer6] 24,0/84 00=0 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0==0 0=00 0=0= 0000 ==== ===0 =0== 00== 0001 1=01 0==1 ···· 10=1 =0=0 1==1 1101 708,75
19: Equinox 3.30-x64 [t4] 22,0/84 0000 1000 0=00 =000 0000 0000 =000 0000 =000 00=0 000= 0=00 000= 0==0 01=1 0010 =10= 01=0 ···· 10== 1=1= 1111 604,50
20: Deep Rybka 4.1 x64 [t4] 16,5/84 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00=0 0=00 0000 =000 =000 0=00 1000 0010 =001 0==0 =1=1 01== ···· =001 0111 412,25
21: CSTal3 5' 14,0/84 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 =0=0 0000 00=0 010= 1000 0010 ==0= 0==0 0=0= =110 ···· 0111 325,25
22: Colossus2022a [t4] 3,5/84 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0=00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 0000 1000 1000 ···· 75,00
924 Partien gespielt / Turnier beendet
Name des Turniers: Ryzen7 5700
Ort/ Land: LAPTOP-JTQQP8M7, Deutschland
Spielstufe: Turnier 40/5
Hardware: AMD Ryzen 7 5700U with Radeon Graphics mit 4.096 MB Speicher
Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
1 Stockfish-16 : 2629 54 47 100 78.5 % 2404 43.0 %
2 Berserk-11.1 : 2504 43 41 100 64.0 % 2404 60.0 %
3 Ethereal-14.00 : 2428 45 45 100 53.5 % 2404 57.0 %
4 CSTal-2.00 : 2421 41 40 100 52.5 % 2404 65.0 %
5 Koivisto-9.0 : 2407 41 40 100 50.5 % 2404 65.0 %
6 Igel-3.5.0 : 2407 46 46 100 50.5 % 2404 55.0 %
7 RubiChess-20221203 : 2405 12 12 1400 51.4 % 2395 56.4 %
8 Clover-5.0 : 2397 44 44 100 49.0 % 2404 58.0 %
9 Seer-2.6 : 2373 40 41 100 45.5 % 2404 65.0 %
10 Rebel-16.2 : 2362 44 45 100 44.0 % 2404 58.0 %
11 Stockfish-Classic : 2358 49 49 100 43.5 % 2404 49.0 %
12 Caissa-1.9 : 2326 46 47 100 39.0 % 2404 54.0 %
13 Viridithas-10.0 : 2311 45 47 100 37.0 % 2404 54.0 %
14 Slow-2.9 : 2308 48 49 100 36.5 % 2404 49.0 %
15 Rofchade-3.0 : 2304 42 45 100 36.0 % 2404 58.0 %
@echo off
set RUBI=20221203
set TC=120+2
set TCSTR=120+2
set ROUNDS=50
set HASH=128
set BOOK=-openings file=UHO_2022_8mvs_big_+100_+129.epd format=epd order=random plies=16
set SYZYGY=no
set ENGINE0=name=RubiChess-%RUBI% dir=RubiChess cmd=cms%RUBI%.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE111=name=Ethereal-14.00 dir=Ethereal cmd=Ethereal-14.00-avx2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE112=name=Koivisto-9.0 dir=Koivisto cmd=Koivisto_9.0-windows-avx2-pgo.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE113=name=Slow-2.9 dir=SlowChess\2.9 cmd=slow64-avx2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE114=name=Seer-2.6 dir=Seer cmd=seer_v2.6_x64_avx2_popcnt.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE115=name=Stockfish-Classic dir=Stockfish cmd=stockfish-classical_x64_modern.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE116=name=Berserk-11.1 dir=Berserk cmd=berserk-11.1-x64-avx2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE117=name=Igel-3.5.0 dir=Igel cmd=igel-x64_popcnt_avx2_3_5_0.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE118=name=Clover-5.0 dir=Clover cmd=Clover.5.0-avx2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE119=name=Rofchade-3.0 dir=Rofchade cmd=rofChade-3.0_AVX2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE120=name=Stockfish-16 dir=Stockfish cmd=stockfish_16_x86-64-avx2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE121=name=Caissa-1.9 dir=Caissa cmd=caissa-1.9-avx2-bmi2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE122=name=Rebel-16.2 dir=Rebel cmd=rebel-16.2.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE123=name=Viridithas-10.0 dir=Viridithas cmd=viridithas-10.0.0-x86_64-win-v3.exe proto=uci
set ENGINE124=name=CSTal-2.00 dir=CSTal cmd=Chess-System-Tal-2.00-v21-E1019-Elo.opt-avx2.exe proto=uci
cutechess-cli.exe -repeat -games 2 -rounds %ROUNDS% -tournament gauntlet -pgnout _PGN\%GNAME%-%date%-%TCSTR%.pgn -resign movecount=3 score=600 -draw movenumber=34 movecount=8 score=5 -concurrency %CONCURRENT% %BOOK% -engine %ENGINE0% -engine %ENGINE111% -engine %ENGINE112% -engine %ENGINE113% -engine %ENGINE114% -engine %ENGINE115% -engine %ENGINE116% -engine %ENGINE117% -engine %ENGINE118% -engine %ENGINE119% -engine %ENGINE120% -engine %ENGINE121% -engine %ENGINE122% -engine %ENGINE123% -engine %ENGINE124% -each option.Hash=%HASH% option.Threads=%THREADS% option.SyzygyPath=%SYZYGY% restart=on tc=%TC% timemargin=1000 -recover -ratinginterval 100
> Dass Stockfish in seinen Turnieren nicht so abschneidet wie bei allen anderen, ist doch nichts Neues.
Stockfish 16 by the Stockfish developers (see AUTHORS file)
setoption name Threads value 4
setoption name Hash value 512
setoption name Ponder value true
position startpos moves e2e4 c7c5 b1c3 b8c6 g1e2 g8f6 d2d4 c5d4 e2d4 e7e5 d4b5 d7d6 c3d5 f6d5 e4d5 c6b8 a2a4 f8e7 f1e2 e8g8 e1g1 b8d7 c1d2 a7a6 b5a3 a6a5 a3b5 f7f5 f2f3 f5f4 b2b4
go movetime 36000
info string NNUE evaluation using nn-5af11540bbfe.nnue enabled
info depth 1 seldepth 1 multipv 1 score cp 715 nodes 248 nps 82666 hashfull 0 tbhits 0 time 3 pv d8b6 b5d4 b6d4 d2e3 d4e3 f1f2
info depth 32 seldepth 57 multipv 1 score cp -25 upperbound nodes 80826363 nps 2274364 hashfull 746 tbhits 0 time 35538 pv f8f6 c2c4
info depth 32 currmove f8f6 currmovenumber 1
info depth 32 seldepth 57 multipv 1 score cp -25 upperbound nodes 82009932 nps 2277863 hashfull 752 tbhits 0 time 36003 pv f8f6 c2c4
info depth 31 seldepth 48 multipv 1 score cp -17 nodes 82009933 nps 2277800 hashfull 752 tbhits 0 time 36004 pv f8f6 c2c4 a5b4 d2b4 f6h6 e2d3 d8e8 b5c7 e8h5 h2h3 a8b8 a1a2 d7f8 f1f2 e7d8 c7e6 d8b6 b4d6 f8e6 d5e6 c8e6 c4c5 b6c5 d6c5 e5e4 a2c2 b8d8 f2d2 e4d3 d2d3 d8d3 d1d3 h5d5 d3c3 h6g6 g1h1 h7h6 c5d4 d5b3 c3b3 e6b3 c2c8 g8h7 a4a5
bestmove f8f6 ponder c2c4
lassen sich die Probleme auch nicht lösen. Ich nutze eine Zen3+ -CPU mit 8 cores. Lasse ich das Programm (mit poweruser) mit 8 Threads laufen, werden die logischen CPUs 0-7 genutzt und nicht nur die geraden (oder nur die ungeraden). Bei Intel-CPUs würde das bedeuten, dass 4 Kerne mit 8 Threads laufen. Dann bremst HT das Programm aus. Ist die Reihenfolge bei AMD-CPUs genauso? Bremst SMT hier das Programm ebenso?Powered by mwForum 2.29.3 © 1999-2014 Markus Wichitill