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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Zappa Probleme mit Gui 11 behoben
- - By Bert Rinzel Date 2009-05-27 19:22
Vor einiger Zeit habe ich darüber berichtet, dass Zappa auf der Gui 11 nicht richtig lief:;hl=

Nach dem letzten Gui Update vom 4.5.09 scheinen diese Probleme behoben zu sein.

Jedenfalls konnte ich keine Zappa Aussetzer mehr feststellen.


Parent - By Günther Höhne Date 2009-06-04 10:09
Hallo Bert,

es sieht tatsächlich so aus ,dass Chessbase sich mit diesem Thema eingehend befasst hat.

Version 11.9, May 27 2009 - Changes since 11.7

Chess Program:

- Crash in book with simultaneous display of next and previous moves
- Crash when closing evaluation profile through right-click menu
- Crash Shared Analysis in Rybka with 4 CPUs or more
- Deactivation of Rybka in Engine Management
- Chess960 error if a single move disabled both white and black castling
- PGN line breaks in new annotations prevented correct annotation parsing
- Loading engine with changed parameters
- Improved handling of UCI engines which don't send "Ponder" (Zappa)
- Detailed error message if email fails (Simple MAPI errors)


- Storing/Loading of active channels didn't work in all circumstances
- Selection in games list could change without user action
- Improved clock handling in broadcasts
- Improved sorting of games list
- Editing engine parameters while pondering caused illegal move, stopping the game
- Playing with DGT board caused cheating message
- Improved handling of multiple take back and rematch offers (June 3, 2009)

Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Zappa Probleme mit Gui 11 behoben

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