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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Announcement: WSET (World Strongest Engine Tournament)
- - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 11:51
Dear Chess Friends,

I am pleased to announce:
- Soon I plan to organize a new history duel: Komodo 8 vs Stockfish MZ
- The brilliant idea belongs Mr. Syed Fahad (I just improved the idea)
- We are looking for more testers who are interested to participate too

•So far the testers, who are interested to participate:
Dr. Wael Deeb (special thanks to Mr. Deeb)
Sedat Canbaz

Btw, I know this new project is not so easy as it looks...

And as I mentioned before,
There is nothing impossible!

Difficulties are always way for success...
So we must overcome all difficulties and to bring the success!
My best wishes for less difficulties and to reach the great goal!!

•For more information about WSET Tournament:

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 12:20
One thing more,
All about the info (time control + opening book) is coming soon!
About how many rounds: 2 games (reversed colors)

But be in aware in that,
The planning WSET tournament will be stronger than previous SCCT (24 hours per game)
Just imagine...!!

In the previous SCCT duel (24 hours per game), Stockfish was the winner
Let's see this time Komodo 8 can take the revenge or not...?!

Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 14:51
A message (for people who are not sure to participate or not)
-I plan to use a such slow time control (for the current duel -2 games) to be ended in 10 -15 days

In other words,
The planning time control depends on number of the testers...
But I think (in case of no delay by the testers) the 1st game will be ended in 5 or 7 days

Note also Marco Zerbinati's Stockfish compile is planning to be private...
And Mr. Zerbinati plans to send it only for those chess friends who will participate...

I'm looking forward to see more testers in the great event !
Don't miss this history match...!!

Best Regards,
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 16:09
I have good news...

Special thanks to Tom Casanovas too,
Mr. Casanovas is planning to participate in the history match too !

And now the current number of the testers are 3:
Sedat Canbaz
Tom Casanovas
Wael Deeb
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 16:22
Btw, we urgently need a tester with a name which to be started the 1st letter with E

Who will be this lucky hero ?? ))

W = Wael
S = Sedat
E = ???
T = Tom
Parent - - By Joe Boden Date 2014-09-02 15:06
Interesting project.

btw, is Stockfish MZ really better than the other versions?
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 16:25
Joe Boden schrieb:

Interesting project.

btw, is Stockfish MZ really better than the other versions?

Yes...this project is different than all...!

According to Tom Casanovas (and I trust to Tom's testings),
Marco Zerbinati's Stockfish compile is the strongest!

Parent - - By Joe Boden Date 2014-09-02 16:42
sedat, put a downloadlink here in the forum
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 18:01
Joe Boden schrieb:

sedat, put a downloadlink here in the forum

Sorry...the planning Stockfish compile by Marco Zerbinati's  is currently private!

I am not authorized person...maybe after the event he will release it...maybe not...

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 18:03
A message (for people who are not sure to participate or not)
-I plan to use a such slow time control (for the current duel -2 games) to be ended in 10 -15 days

In other words,
The planning time control depends on number of the testers...
But I think (in case of no delay by the testers) the 1st game will be ended in 5 or 7 days

Note also Marco Zerbinati's Stockfish compile is planning to be private...
And Mr. Zerbinati plans to send it only for those chess friends who will participate...

I'm looking forward to see more testers in the great event !
Don't miss this history match...!!

Best Regards,
Parent - - By Frank Rahde (Mod.) Date 2014-09-02 20:36
Why let you participate a private engine here? It is interesting for the public, if we can not get or buy this engine after the tour?!

Greetings, Frank
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 21:43
Frank Rahde (Mod.) schrieb:

Why let you participate a private engine here? It is interesting for the public, if we can not get or buy this engine after the tour?!

Greetings, Frank

Hello Frank,

Both engines (Komodo 8 + Stockfish MZ) are not available still to public

In other words, in my eyes both participants are private for right now...
Later...maybe...the played Stockfish will appear... so I think the time will show up !

Parent - - By Joe Boden Date 2014-09-02 18:17 Edited 2014-09-02 18:34
i found a downloadlink in the internet

[Gelöscht von Mod.Grund: Möglicherweise illegaler Downloadlink. R.R.]
Parent - - By Ralf Mueller Date 2014-09-02 18:20 Upvotes 1
Wenn es vom Autor als privat gewünscht ist, warum postest du dann einen Download-Link??
Parent - - By Joe Boden Date 2014-09-02 18:38
du meldest dich stets, wenn du was zu meckern hast...
Parent - By Mythbuster Date 2014-09-02 18:59
Und Du scherst Dich wie immer um die Rechte und Belange anderer Menschen einen Dreck ...
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 19:03
Joe Boden schrieb:

i found a downloadlink in the internet

[Gelöscht von Mod.Grund: Möglicherweise illegaler Downloadlink. R.R.] found the older version....

And we are not planning to use the public Stockfish compile

As far as I know...Marco Zerbinati is a preparing a new Stockfish version for the current duel
Parent - - By Joe Boden Date 2014-09-02 19:13
i will watch this event with much interest..thank you for telling us
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 19:15
Joe Boden schrieb:

i will watch this event with much interest..thank you for telling us

Thank you ....
Parent - - By GS Date 2014-09-02 18:10
Such a "project" and no ponder (pb), why ?
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 18:58 Edited 2014-09-02 19:17
GS schrieb:

Such a "project" and no ponder (pb), why ?

Because the tournament is planing on different hardwares by several testers...

In other words, the planning match will be like 'relay race'

Btw, i will be very happy  to see you and Frank Quisinsky (you deserve to be in..) in the history match !)

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-02 20:07 Edited 2014-09-02 20:39
I am getting several questions regarding the current tournament

So I decided to inform you too!

The duel is planning on different hardwares by several testers...

We plan to use very slow time control...and it requires a lot of free cpu time
In other words, with several testers will be easier...our computers will be not busy each time!

In other words, the planning match will be like a 'relay race'

For example (on my hardware),
Stockfish played a move...after playing I share the position to the next tester and then the turn side is Komodo etc...

About Stockfish compile,
MZ = a Stockfish compile created by Marco Zerbinati
Note that we are not planning to use the public Stockfish compile
As far as I know, Marco Zerbinati is a preparing a new Stockfish version for the current duel!

About adapted time controls (just an example),
10.000 kN/s = 50 minutes ( 3000 sec) per move
7.500 kN/s =  75 minutes ( 4500 sec) per move
5.000 kN/s =  100 minutes ( 6000 sec) per move
After 60 moves (depending on position) we can reduce to half per move

About opening book,
This is my area ))
As far as possible I will prefer one of the strongest engine openings
In this way... the both top participants will have equal chances to win !

Tournament Start Date,
I think we can start the event after after Komodo 8 release ... probably around 15-20 September

According to Mr. Larry Kaufman:
Komodo 8 will be released within the next two weeks, both by ChessBase and on

Btw, I will be very glad to see more testers (many professional testers deserve to be in the current history match !)

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-03 01:07
Breaking News!

Tester Registrations are closed for the moment (not acceptable any more for the current duel) !

I've changed my mind due to in case of many testers,
That means more complications, sharing a lot of positions after each move, delays etc...sorry
Even there is possibility to see many mistakes (in setup, in match configurations etc...)

So, I think to work over this great project only with Tom Casanovas
Two testers are quite enough to manage to run the planning 2 games

Probably the 1st game will be played on my machine (Stockfish MZ vs Komodo 8)
Second game will be played on Tom's machine (Komodo 8 vs Stockfish MZ)

Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2014-09-04 09:37
Latest News

Both top participants are already in our hands...!!
So very soon we plan to start the event, probably today or tomorrow...

More details about the official match:
-It is planning for the current duel: 2 games; no opening books; LP OFF
-Time control: 1200 minutes with 1 minute increment (per side)
-Both games (1200 min + 1 min) are planning to be played on my computers

Note also that we plan to run more games at slow time control too:
- 150 minutes with 30 seconds increment (per side)
- 20 games; opening set with reversed colors; LP OFF
- Mostly of the games (150 min + 30 sec) are planning on Tom Casanovas's computers

Have fun,
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Announcement: WSET (World Strongest Engine Tournament)

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