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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / DeepShredder 12 ChessBase - 64bit?
- - By Emil Vlasák Date 2010-01-17 19:55
In DeepShredder 12 ChessBase, the engine is UCI or ChessBase native?
If ChessBase native,  what about 64bit version?

Thanks, Emil
Parent - By Kurt Utzinger Date 2010-01-17 20:21
[quote="Emil Vlasák"]
In DeepShredder 12 ChessBase, the engine is UCI or ChessBase native?
If ChessBase native,  what about 64bit version?

Thanks, Emil

Hi Emil
You are right: no information found to these questions on
Kind regards
Parent - By Ingo Bauer Date 2010-01-17 20:55
Hello Emil,

The CB-Shredder is CB-Native, so NO UCI and it is a 32bit Version!


[quote="Emil Vlasák"]
In DeepShredder 12 ChessBase, the engine is UCI or ChessBase native?
If ChessBase native,  what about 64bit version?

Thanks, Emil
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / DeepShredder 12 ChessBase - 64bit?

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