Program Elo +/- Matches Score Av.Op. S.Pos. MST1 MST2 RIndex
1 Sun15MPV-21-4-200 : 3540 5 2991 56.1 % 3498 102/128 5.1s 10.2s 0.65
2 ShashChess34.6-MuPV4 : 3540 5 3070 56.0 % 3498 99/128 4.0s 9.9s 0.65
16 Stockfishdev-20240709-MuPV4 : 3495 5 2818 49.1 % 3501 84/128 4.9s 13.5s 0.55
19 Lc0v0.32.0-dag+git.4cfe7426-MuPV4 : 3490 6 3012 48.4 % 3501 85/128 7.2s 14.9s 0.49
21 Lc0v0.31.0-dag+git.020beb78-MuPV4 : 3486 6 2995 47.8 % 3501 85/128 7.4s 15.0s 0.46
23 Lc0v0.31.0-dag+git.020beb78-6147500 : 3475 6 2918 46.1 % 3502 77/128 6.5s 15.9s 0.45
25 Lc0v0.31.0 : 3472 7 2853 45.6 % 3502 75/128 5.6s 15.7s 0.45
26 Lc0v0.32.0-dag+git.4cfe7426-6147500 : 3463 7 2824 44.2 % 3503 69/128 4.6s 16.3s 0.44
27 Berserk13-MuPV4 : 3445 6 2821 41.7 % 3503 70/128 6.3s 17.0s 0.34
29 Dragon3.3byKomodoChess-MuPV4 : 3394 7 2677 34.5 % 3505 53/128 7.5s 20.7s 0.26
MST1 : Mean solution time (solved positions only)
MST2 : Mean solution time (solved and unsolved positions)
RIndex: Score according to solution time ranking for each position
EPD : 1111.epd
Time : ms
Max Total Time Hash
Engine Score Found Pos ELO Score Rate ms Mb Cpu
1 HypnoSIccf2206 29389 981 1111 3613 36615 80.3% 1000 32 4
2 CorChess0606 29256 984 1111 3595 36615 79.9% 1000 32 4
3 Stockfish0612 27943 961 1111 3433 36615 76.3% 1000 32 4
6 Stockfish0709 27439 948 1111 3370 36615 74.9% 1000 32 4
7 Lc0.31Jul24-TCEC 27401 941 1111 3366 36615 74.8% 1000 100 2
10 Lc0.32-6147500 26786 927 1111 3276 36815 72.8% 1000 100 2
11 Lc0.31-6147500 26686 924 1111 3280 36615 72.9% 1000 100 2
12 Dragon3.3 24568 898 1111 3001 36815 66.7% 1000 32 4
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