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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Ist LC0 soooooo langsam?
- - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-26 18:13
Was läuft hier falsch?

FEN: 4r3/5kb1/2n5/Pp1p1Qp1/1Pp3N1/7P/4B1P1/7K b - - 0 44

1/2  00:00   3  63  -59,75  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5
2/3  00:00   7  43  -57,32  Kf7-g8 Df5xd5+ Kg8-h8
3/4  00:00   13  45  -60,43  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6
3/5  00:00   19  46  -60,90  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 Sg4-e5 Lg7xe5
3/6  00:00   33  48  -58,57  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7
4/6  00:01   47  49  -58,66  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 Sg4-e5 Lg7xe5 Dd5xe5+
4/7  00:01   61  49  -59,77  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 Sg4-e5 Lg7xe5 Dd5xe5+
4/9  00:02   120  52  -58,34  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 Sg4-e5 Lg7xe5 Dd5xe5+
5/9  00:04   221  53  -58,89  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 Sg4-e5 Lg7xe5 Dd5xe5+ Sd4-e6
4/9  00:05   271  53  -57,39  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 Sg4-e5 Lg7xe5 Dd5xe5+ Sd4-e6
5/9  00:05   293  53  -57,30  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3
5/10  00:06   316  53  -57,84  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3
5/10  00:16   880  55  -47,03  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3
5/10  00:21   1k  55  -49,28  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+
5/11  00:37   2k  56  -49,61  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+
5/11  00:43   2k  56  -50,08  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8
5/12  01:01   4k  57  -35,69  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8
6/12  01:02   4k  57  -35,74  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8
6/12  01:07   4k  57  -34,75  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8
6/13  02:01   7k  58  -35,74  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8
6/13  02:06   7k  58  -36,21  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 Se2-g3+ Kh1-h2 Sg3-f1+
6/13  02:11   8k  59  -36,79  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 Se2-g3+ Kh1-h2 Sg3-f1+
6/13  02:16   8k  59  -37,29  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8 Db7-f3+
6/13  02:37   9k  59  -38,56  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 c4-c3 Dd5-b7+ Ke7-f8 Db7-f3+
6/13  02:42   10k  59  -38,86  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 Se2-g3+ Kh1-h2 Sg3-f1+ Kh2-g1
6/14  04:24   16k  60  -41,80  Kf7-e7 Df5xd5 Sc6-d4 a5-a6 Sd4xe2 a6-a7 Se2-g3+ Kh1-h2 Sg3-f1+ Kh2-g1
Parent - - By Peter Martan Date 2022-01-26 18:37 Edited 2022-01-26 19:05
CPU- Installation?

Auf 3070ti mit 9kn/s (gestartet, die steigen dann stark, wenn die Engine mehr Tiefe gewonnen hat und so etwas wie ein langwieriges Fail Low überwunden, wenn's so etwas bei LC0- Suche überhaupt gibt) Netz 780486 und 6Steiner Syzygys nach 2 Minuten :

4r3/5kb1/2n5/Pp1p1Qp1/1Pp3N1/7P/4B1P1/7K b - - 0 1

Analysis by Lc0 v0.28.2:

44...Ke7 45.Se3 Sd4 46.Dxg5+ Kf8 47.Lh5 Te7 48.a6 Sc6 49.Df5+ Kg8 50.Dxd5+ Kh8 51.Dxc6 Txe3 52.a7 Te1+
+-  (39.01)    Tiefe: 10/23   00:02:04  1179kN

Und nach deinen 4 Minuten:

44...Ke7 45.Dg6 Kf8 46.Sh6 Lxh6 47.Dxh6+ Kg8 48.Lf3 Sxb4 49.Dg6+ Kf8 50.Lh5 Te1+ 51.Kh2 Ke7 52.De8+ Kd6 53.Dxe1 Sc6 54.a6 Kc5
+-  (37.89)    Tiefe: 11/26   00:04:25  2670kN

Wenn GPU, dann welche?

Temperatur derselben?
Bei mir 10G und 71°.
Parent - - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-26 18:55
Das ist das Logfile:

============= Log started. =============
0126 18:53:30.226205 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\] Lc0 started.
0126 18:53:30.227426 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\]        _
0126 18:53:30.227465 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\] |   _ | |
0126 18:53:30.227478 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\] |_ |_ |_| v0.28.2 built Dec 13 2021
0126 18:53:33.046587 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\utils\] Detected 4 core(s) and 4 thread(s) in 1 group(s).
0126 18:53:33.084687 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\utils\] Group 0 has 4 core(s) and 4 thread(s).
0126 18:53:33.092228 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\utils\] Command line: C:\Users\Privat\Desktop\Schach\lc0-v0.28.2-windows-cpu-openblas\lc0.exe
0126 18:53:33.114336 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> xboard
0126 18:53:33.114585 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\utils\exception.h:39] Exception: Unknown command: xboard
0126 18:53:33.139797 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << error Unknown command: xboard
0126 18:53:33.140057 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> uci
0126 18:53:33.140120 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << id name Lc0 v0.28.2
0126 18:53:33.140138 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << id author The LCZero Authors.
0126 18:53:33.141725 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name WeightsFile type string default <autodiscover>
0126 18:53:33.141774 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name Backend type combo default blas var blas var eigen var random var check var recordreplay var roundrobin var multiplexing var demux
0126 18:53:33.141789 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name BackendOptions type string default
0126 18:53:33.141802 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name Threads type spin default 2 min 1 max 128
0126 18:53:33.141815 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name NNCacheSize type spin default 200000 min 0 max 999999999
0126 18:53:33.141831 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MinibatchSize type spin default 7 min 1 max 1024
0126 18:53:33.141843 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxPrefetch type spin default 0 min 0 max 1024
0126 18:53:33.141854 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name CPuct type string default 1.745000
0126 18:53:33.141866 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name CPuctBase type string default 38739.000000
0126 18:53:33.141878 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name CPuctFactor type string default 3.894000
0126 18:53:33.141889 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name TwoFoldDraws type check default true
0126 18:53:33.141900 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name VerboseMoveStats type check default false
0126 18:53:33.141912 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name FpuStrategy type combo default reduction var reduction var absolute
0126 18:53:33.141939 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name FpuValue type string default 0.330000
0126 18:53:33.141953 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name CacheHistoryLength type spin default 0 min 0 max 7
0126 18:53:33.141965 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name PolicyTemperature type string default 1.359000
0126 18:53:33.141976 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxCollisionEvents type spin default 917 min 1 max 65536
0126 18:53:33.141987 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxCollisionVisits type spin default 80000 min 1 max 100000000
0126 18:53:33.141998 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxCollisionVisitsScalingStart type spin default 28 min 1 max 100000
0126 18:53:33.142101 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxCollisionVisitsScalingEnd type spin default 145000 min 0 max 100000000
0126 18:53:33.142152 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxCollisionVisitsScalingPower type string default 1.250000
0126 18:53:33.142166 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name OutOfOrderEval type check default true
0126 18:53:33.142178 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxOutOfOrderEvalsFactor type string default 2.400000
0126 18:53:33.142191 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name StickyEndgames type check default true
0126 18:53:33.142203 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name SyzygyFastPlay type check default false
0126 18:53:33.142214 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MultiPV type spin default 1 min 1 max 500
0126 18:53:33.142226 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name PerPVCounters type check default false
0126 18:53:33.142238 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name ScoreType type combo default centipawn var centipawn var centipawn_with_drawscore var centipawn_2019 var centipawn_2018 var win_percentage var Q var W-L
0126 18:53:33.142250 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name HistoryFill type combo default fen_only var no var fen_only var always
0126 18:53:33.142262 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MovesLeftMaxEffect type string default 0.034500
0126 18:53:33.142274 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MovesLeftThreshold type string default 0.000000
0126 18:53:33.142285 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MovesLeftSlope type string default 0.002700
0126 18:53:33.142296 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MovesLeftConstantFactor type string default 0.000000
0126 18:53:33.142307 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MovesLeftScaledFactor type string default 1.652100
0126 18:53:33.142330 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MovesLeftQuadraticFactor type string default -0.652100
0126 18:53:33.142341 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MaxConcurrentSearchers type spin default 1 min 0 max 128
0126 18:53:33.142352 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name DrawScoreSideToMove type spin default 0 min -100 max 100
0126 18:53:33.142363 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name DrawScoreOpponent type spin default 0 min -100 max 100
0126 18:53:33.142374 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name DrawScoreWhite type spin default 0 min -100 max 100
0126 18:53:33.142385 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name DrawScoreBlack type spin default 0 min -100 max 100
0126 18:53:33.142396 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name NodesPerSecondLimit type string default 0.000000
0126 18:53:33.142407 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name SolidTreeThreshold type spin default 100 min 1 max 2000000000
0126 18:53:33.142418 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MultiGather type check default true
0126 18:53:33.142429 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name TaskWorkers type spin default 0 min 0 max 128
0126 18:53:33.142440 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MinimumProcessingWork type spin default 20 min 2 max 100000
0126 18:53:33.142451 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MinimumPickingWork type spin default 1 min 1 max 100000
0126 18:53:33.142461 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MinimumRemainingPickingWork type spin default 20 min 0 max 100000
0126 18:53:33.142472 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MinimumPerTaskProcessing type spin default 8 min 1 max 100000
0126 18:53:33.142484 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name IdlingMinimumWork type spin default 0 min 0 max 10000
0126 18:53:33.142495 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name ThreadIdlingThreshold type spin default 1 min 0 max 128
0126 18:53:33.142506 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name SyzygyPath type string default
0126 18:53:33.142518 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name Ponder type check default true
0126 18:53:33.142529 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name UCI_Chess960 type check default false
0126 18:53:33.142541 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name UCI_ShowWDL type check default false
0126 18:53:33.142552 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name UCI_ShowMovesLeft type check default false
0126 18:53:33.142677 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name ConfigFile type string default lc0.config
0126 18:53:33.142688 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name SmartPruningFactor type string default 1.330000
0126 18:53:33.142699 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name SmartPruningMinimumBatches type spin default 0 min 0 max 10000
0126 18:53:33.142710 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name RamLimitMb type spin default 0 min 0 max 100000000
0126 18:53:33.142764 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name MoveOverheadMs type spin default 200 min 0 max 100000000
0126 18:53:33.142776 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name TimeManager type string default legacy
0126 18:53:33.142787 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << option name LogFile type string default
0126 18:53:33.142800 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << uciok
0126 18:53:33.149407 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> setoption name Threads value 1
0126 18:53:33.177058 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> setoption name SyzygyPath value C:\Users\Privat\Desktop\Schach\syzygy
0126 18:53:33.177134 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> setoption name LogFile value 1.txt
0126 18:53:33.185325 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> isready
0126 18:53:33.185525 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << readyok
0126 18:53:36.405152 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> isready
0126 18:53:36.405258 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << readyok
0126 18:53:36.410598 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> ucinewgame
0126 18:53:36.410732 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\] Loading Syzygy tablebases from C:\Users\Privat\Desktop\Schach\syzygy
0126 18:53:36.497680 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\syzygy\] Found 145 WDL, 0 DTM and 145 DTZ tablebase files.
0126 18:53:36.728875 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\neural\] Found pb network file: C:\Users\Privat\Desktop\Schach\lc0-v0.28.2-windows-cpu-openblas/744204.pb.gz
0126 18:53:37.022040 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\neural\] Creating backend [blas]...
0126 18:53:37.737628 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\neural\blas\] BLAS vendor: OpenBLAS.
0126 18:53:37.737740 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\neural\blas\] OpenBLAS [NO_LAPACK NO_LAPACKE DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Barcelona MAX_THREADS=128].
0126 18:53:37.737785 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\neural\blas\] OpenBLAS found 4 Barcelona core(s).
0126 18:53:37.737968 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\neural\blas\] BLAS max batch size is 256.
0126 18:53:37.743280 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> isready
0126 18:53:37.743382 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << readyok
0126 18:53:37.743431 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> position fen 4r3/5kb1/2n5/Pp1p1Qp1/1Pp3N1/7P/4B1P1/7K b - - 0 44
0126 18:53:37.743472 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> go infinite
0126 18:53:37.743650 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\] Timer started at 0126 18:53:37.743469
0126 18:53:37.793878 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] Start a watchdog thread.
0126 18:53:37.794216 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] Search started. 50ms already passed.
0126 18:53:37.794261 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\search.h:243] Started search thread.
0126 18:53:37.899070 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 1 seldepth 2 time 155 nodes 3 score cp -5975 nps 65 tbhits 0 pv f7e7 f5d5
0126 18:53:37.996156 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 2 seldepth 3 time 252 nodes 7 score cp -5732 nps 48 tbhits 0 pv f7g8 f5d5 g8h8
0126 18:53:38.119112 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 3 seldepth 4 time 375 nodes 13 score cp -6043 nps 48 tbhits 0 pv f7e7 f5d5 c6d4 a5a6
0126 18:53:38.241270 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 3 seldepth 5 time 497 nodes 19 score cp -6090 nps 48 tbhits 0 pv f7e7 f5d5 c6d4 g4e5 g7e5
0126 18:53:38.507562 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 3 seldepth 6 time 764 nodes 33 score cp -5857 nps 50 tbhits 0 pv f7e7 f5d5 c6d4 a5a6 d4e2 a6a7
0126 18:53:38.773271 7120 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 4 seldepth 6 time 1029 nodes 47 score cp -5866 nps 51 tbhits 0 pv f7e7 f5d5 c6d4 g4e5 g7e5 d5e5
0126 18:53:38.828290 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] >> stop
0126 18:53:38.828416 8048 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] Stopping search due to `stop` uci command.
0126 18:53:38.828507 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << info depth 4 seldepth 6 time 1084 nodes 47 score cp -5866 nps 48 tbhits 0 pv f7e7 f5d5 c6d4 g4e5 g7e5 d5e5
0126 18:53:38.828785 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] === Move stats:
0126 18:53:38.828817 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g7f6  (373 ) N:       6 (+ 1) (P: 16.36%) (WL: -0.99883) (D: 0.001) (M: 15.4) (Q: -0.99883) (U: 0.24260) (S: -0.79071) (V: -0.9982)
0126 18:53:38.828840 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f7g8  (335 ) N:      18 (+ 3) (P: 39.59%) (WL: -0.99476) (D: 0.002) (M: 28.6) (Q: -0.99476) (U: 0.21350) (S: -0.78340) (V: -0.9949)
0126 18:53:38.828862 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f7e7  (341 ) N:      22 (+ 3) (P: 44.07%) (WL: -0.99469) (D: 0.002) (M: 31.9) (Q: -0.99469) (U: 0.20110) (S: -0.78671) (V: -0.9949)
0126 18:53:38.828884 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] node  (   3) N:      47 (+ 7) (P: 100.0%) (WL: -0.99520) (D: 0.002) (M: 29.4) (Q: -0.99520) (V: -0.9923)
0126 18:53:38.828907 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] --- Opponent moves after: f7e7
0126 18:53:38.829392 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f4  (1064) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.41%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.03268) (S:  0.76683) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829493 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f6  (1076) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.41%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.03275) (S:  0.76690) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829519 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5d3  (1057) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.45%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.03637) (S:  0.77052) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829540 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f8  (1085) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.47%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.03746) (S:  0.77161) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829562 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5e4  (1063) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.50%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.03966) (S:  0.77381) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829583 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5d7  (1079) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.50%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.03992) (S:  0.77407) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829605 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5c8  (1084) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.51%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04083) (S:  0.77498) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829627 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5e5  (1071) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.55%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04412) (S:  0.77827) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829788 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g4f6  (864 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.58%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04619) (S:  0.78034) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829822 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f7  (1081) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.58%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04665) (S:  0.78080) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829845 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5e6  (1075) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.59%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04751) (S:  0.78166) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829869 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f1  (1054) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.61%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04914) (S:  0.78329) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829891 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g4e5  (859 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.62%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.04935) (S:  0.78350) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829913 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e2d3  (316 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.65%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.05218) (S:  0.78633) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829935 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5c2  (1055) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.71%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.05653) (S:  0.79068) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829957 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5b1  (1053) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.79%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.06294) (S:  0.79709) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.829979 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g4h6  (866 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.82%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.06572) (S:  0.79987) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830002 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f3  (1059) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  0.90%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.07226) (S:  0.80641) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830024 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] h1g1  (177 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  1.00%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.07996) (S:  0.81410) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830046 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g4h2  (847 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  1.16%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.09269) (S:  0.82684) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830068 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e2c4  (320 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  1.32%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.10530) (S:  0.83945) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830090 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g4f2  (845 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  1.38%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.11077) (S:  0.84492) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830112 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] h1h2  (180 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  1.43%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.11465) (S:  0.84880) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830134 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5f2  (1056) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  1.43%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.11477) (S:  0.84892) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830156 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e2f1  (306 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  2.13%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.17029) (S:  0.90444) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830177 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] h3h4  (642 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  2.18%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.17457) (S:  0.90872) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830199 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g2g3  (374 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  2.22%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.17793) (S:  0.91208) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830220 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e2d1  (304 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  3.87%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.30968) (S:  1.04383) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830245 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5h7  (1083) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  4.05%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.32397) (S:  1.05812) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830269 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g4e3  (848 ) N:       0 (+ 0) (P:  4.86%) (WL:  -.-----) (D: -.---) (M:  -.-) (Q:  0.73415) (U: 0.38884) (S:  1.12299) (V:  -.----)
0126 18:53:38.830291 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] a5a6  (913 ) N:       1 (+ 1) (P:  6.47%) (WL:  0.99439) (D: 0.002) (M: 31.3) (Q:  0.99439) (U: 0.17266) (S:  1.16869) (V:  0.9944)
0126 18:53:38.830313 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5g6  (1077) N:       3 (+ 1) (P:  9.23%) (WL:  0.99628) (D: 0.001) (M: 27.6) (Q:  0.99628) (U: 0.14777) (S:  1.15573) (V:  0.9954)
0126 18:53:38.830335 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5g5  (1072) N:       4 (+ 0) (P: 10.37%) (WL:  0.99307) (D: 0.003) (M: 31.9) (Q:  0.99307) (U: 0.16604) (S:  1.15911) (V:  0.9948)
0126 18:53:38.830356 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e2f3  (318 ) N:       4 (+ 1) (P: 12.45%) (WL:  0.99365) (D: 0.003) (M: 31.4) (Q:  0.99365) (U: 0.16606) (S:  1.16124) (V:  0.9946)
0126 18:53:38.830378 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f5d5  (1070) N:       9 (+ 0) (P: 23.82%) (WL:  0.99536) (D: 0.002) (M: 31.2) (Q:  0.99536) (U: 0.19072) (S:  1.18797) (V:  0.9947)
0126 18:53:38.830399 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] node  (  35) N:      22 (+ 3) (P: 62.34%) (WL:  0.99469) (D: 0.002) (M: 31.9) (Q:  0.99469) (V:  0.9949)
0126 18:53:38.830429 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << bestmove f7e7 ponder f5d5
0126 18:53:38.830467 2356 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] End a watchdog thread.

Parent - - By dkappe Date 2022-01-26 19:03 Upvotes 1
Kein GPU/CUDA in dieser Version von lc0. Da wird nur CPU mit OpenBLAS benutzt.
Parent - - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-26 19:08
Und was bedeutet das im Klartext?
Parent - By Peter Martan Date 2022-01-26 19:30 Edited 2022-01-26 19:38

Peter Martan schrieb:

CPU- Installation

Läuft nicht GPU- basiert.
Oder es ist eine Graphikkarte, die keine Cuda- Treiber unterstützt oder jedenfalls nicht nützt.
Musst du schauen, was für eine LC0- Version du runtergeladen hast, vielleicht war's ja nur der falsche Download, falls du eine GPU hast, die cuda- fähig ist.
In dem Fall das cuda- Release nehmen.

Hardware  Backend
Newest (2018+) NVidia GPUs: RTX 20xx, RTX 30xx and so on (but not GTX 16xx)  CUDA
Newer (2014-2018) NVidia GPUs: GTX 7xx, GTX 8xx, GTX 9xx, GTX 10xx and also GTX 16xx  CUDNN
Newer non-NVidia GPUs (only for latest versions of Windows 10)  DirectX 12
Older GPUs or Windows versions. Note: Recent AMD GPUs might have driver issues.  OpenCL
Computers without GPUs, but with modern CPUs  DNNL BLAS
Older CPUs  OpenBLAS
Parent - - By dkappe Date 2022-01-26 21:27 Upvotes 1

option name Backend type combo default blas var blas var eigen var random var check var recordreplay var roundrobin var multiplexing var demux

“blas” und “eigen” sind lineare Algebra Codes für CPU. In deiner Version steckt also kein GPU fähiges backend. Egal ob du ein gpu hast, läuft dein lc0 mit einem großen Netz soooooo langsam. Du könntest ein kleines Netz (sprich 128x10) ok gebrauchen. Sonst stell fest ob du einen tauglichen GPU hast und hol dir ein GPU fähiges lc0.
Parent - - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-26 23:14
Hardware Daten:

CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 630 Prozessor 4GB RAM
Graphic: ATI Radeon HD 3200

Das war es denn wohl mit Lc0?
Parent - - By Dieter Brandhorst Date 2022-01-26 23:29
Du brauchst eine NVIDIA-Grafikkarte wegen der Cuda-Unterstützung. Nur damit erreicht man eine vernünftige Performance mit Lc0.
Parent - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-27 10:09
Habe ich schon verstanden, nur eine NVIDIA-Grafikkarte werde ich nicht mehr verbauen. Habe in meiner Grabbelkiste für PCs noch einige liegen.
Ich weiß nämlich nicht ob das Netzteil stark genug ist und die Lüfter zu viel Lärm machen. Für eine schwächere Engine als Stockfish tue ich mir das nicht mehr an.
Parent - - By Peter Martan Date 2022-01-26 23:53
Wie ich oben aus dem LC0- Release- Text zitiert habe,

Newer non-NVidia GPUs (only for latest versions of Windows 10)  DirectX 12

, könntest du vielleicht noch probieren, wenn du Windows 10 hast, kein Ahnung, ob's für deine Radeon- Graphik funktioniert und auch nicht, ob's dann wirklich schneller ist, als die CPU- Möglichkeit, die du jetzt nutzt.
Aber es runterzuladen und einen Installationsversuch zu machen, kostet ja nicht viel Aufwand.
Parent - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-27 10:10
läuft nicht, schade.
Parent - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-30 14:14 Edited 2022-01-30 14:17
[quote="Peter Martan"]

Und nach deinen 4 Minuten:

44...Ke7 45.Dg6 Kf8 46.Sh6 Lxh6 47.Dxh6+ Kg8 48.Lf3 Sxb4 49.Dg6+ Kf8 50.Lh5 Te1+ 51.Kh2 Ke7 52.De8+ Kd6 53.Dxe1 Sc6 54.a6 Kc5
+-  (37.89)    Tiefe: 11/26   00:04:25  2670kN

Aber das haut mich jetzt nicht vom Hocker. Den ganzen Hype darum kann ich nicht verstehen.[/quote]
Parent - By Chess Player Date 2022-02-12 15:57
Man muß ja hier nicht viel rechnen... Die Bewertung muß und sollte hier 0,00 anzeigen.

Aber die allererste Engineausgabe erfolgt erst nach 50 Sekunden! Wie kann das sein? Geht es nicht schneller?


8/13  00:50   8k  155  -2,19  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-h3 Ke4-f5 a3-a4 Df2-d4 a4-a5 Dd4-a1 Th3-h5+ Kf5-e4 Th5-h3 Da1xa5
8/13  00:55   9k  153  -2,21  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-h3 Ke4-f5 a3-a4 Df2-d4 a4-a5 Dd4-a1 Th3-h5+ Kf5-e4 Th5-h3 Da1xa5
8/14  00:59   9k  155  -2,21  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 De1-e3 a3-a4 De3-e1
8/14  01:04   10k  162  -2,21  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-d5 Th3-f3
8/14  01:09   11k  165  -2,19  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 De1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1
8/15  01:25   16k  185  -2,13  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 De1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1
8/15  01:30   18k  195  -2,09  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g4 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3
8/15  01:40   20k  203  -2,06  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g4 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3
9/15  01:43   22k  210  -2,04  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g4 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3
9/15  01:48   23k  214  -2,04  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g4 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3
9/16  02:00   28k  228  -2,01  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g4 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3
9/16  02:05   29k  232  -2,01  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 De1-d1 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3
9/16  02:10   30k  233  -2,01  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
9/16  02:15   32k  239  -2,00  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
9/16  02:20   34k  241  -2,01  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-g4 Th3-f3 Dd1xf3
9/17  02:21   34k  242  -2,00  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
9/17  02:56   46k  262  -1,96  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-d1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
9/17  03:01   48k  265  -1,95  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1
9/17  03:06   50k  270  -1,95  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1
9/17  03:11   52k  274  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
9/17  03:16   54k  274  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
9/17  03:21   55k  275  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-b1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Db1-d1
9/17  03:26   57k  276  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
9/17  03:31   59k  278  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
10/17  03:31   59k  278  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
10/17  03:36   61k  281  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
10/17  03:41   63k  282  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kg5-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
10/17  03:46   64k  282  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3
10/18  04:31   81k  297  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3
10/19  04:32   81k  297  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1
10/20  04:38   83k  297  -1,94  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1
10/20  04:43   84k  298  -1,93  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3
10/20  05:53   116k  329  -1,91  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3
10/20  05:58   119k  331  -1,91  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5
10/21  06:59   149k  354  -1,91  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5
10/21  07:04   152k  357  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
10/21  07:25   161k  362  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
10/21  07:30   164k  363  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-g4
10/21  08:15   187k  377  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-e3 Th3-f3 De3-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5 Tf3-h3 Kf5-g4
11/21  08:16   187k  377  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-e3 a3-a4 De3-e1 Th3-f3
11/21  08:21   190k  380  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1 Tf3-h3 De1-e3 a3-a4 De3-e1 Th3-f3
11/21  08:26   193k  380  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5 Kh2-h1 Db6-c5 Kh1-h2 Dc5-c1 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
11/21  08:31   196k  384  -1,90  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5 Kh2-h1 Db6-c5 Kh1-h2 Dc5-c1 Tf3-h3 Kf5-e4 Th3-f3 Dc1-d1 Tf3-h3
11/21  08:36   200k  386  -1,89  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
11/21  09:16   224k  402  -1,89  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
11/21  09:21   227k  404  -1,89  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5 Tf3-h3 De1-c1 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3
11/22  09:23   229k  405  -1,89  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5
11/22  10:09   251k  411  -1,88  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-a7 Tf3-h3 Da7-b6 Th3-f3 Db6-b1 Tf3-h3 Db1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-d1 Tf3-h3 Dd1-e1 Th3-f3 Ke4-f5
11/22  10:14   252k  410  -1,89  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
11/28  13:08   363k  460  -1,87  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-d1 Th3-f3 Dd1-e1
11/28  13:13   366k  461  -1,87  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3
11/28  15:14   453k  496  -1,85  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3
11/28  15:19   457k  497  -1,85  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
11/28  16:59   544k  533  -1,84  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
12/28  17:00   545k  533  -1,84  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
12/28  17:05   549k  535  -1,84  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
12/28  31:04   1.227k  657  -1,87  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
13/28  31:05   1.227k  657  -1,87  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
13/28  31:10   1.230k  657  -1,87  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3
13/29  44:48   2.061k  766  -1,86  a2-a3 Dd2xf2 Tb3-f3 Df2-e1 Tf3-h3 Ke4-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-g5 Tf3-h3 De1-f1 Th3-f3 Df1-c1 Tf3-h3 Kg5-f5 Th3-f3 Kf5-e4 Tf3-h3 Dc1-e1 Th3-f3 De1-e3 Tf3-h3

Und was soll das hier bedeuten?
0212 15:47:58.683299 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] === Move stats:
0212 15:47:58.683335 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3d3  (447 ) N:     336 (+ 0) (P:  0.42%) (WL: -0.98987) (D: 0.009) (M: 22.5) (Q: -0.98987) (U: 0.30849) (S: -0.71576) (V: -0.9997)
0212 15:47:58.683359 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3g3  (450 ) N:     424 (+ 0) (P:  0.49%) (WL: -0.96826) (D: 0.030) (M: 23.0) (Q: -0.96826) (U: 0.28706) (S: -0.71529) (V: -0.9743)
0212 15:47:58.683381 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3e3  (448 ) N:     448 (+ 0) (P:  0.52%) (WL: -0.97023) (D: 0.026) (M: 19.5) (Q: -0.97023) (U: 0.28863) (S: -0.71572) (V: -0.8714)
0212 15:47:58.683419 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3c3  (446 ) N:     484 (+ 0) (P:  0.56%) (WL: -0.96986) (D: 0.029) (M: 26.6) (Q: -0.96986) (U: 0.28864) (S: -0.71533) (V: -0.8253)
0212 15:47:58.683450 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g2g4  (378 ) N:     495 (+ 0) (P:  0.59%) (WL: -0.97743) (D: 0.016) (M: 27.3) (Q: -0.97743) (U: 0.29631) (S: -0.71534) (V: -0.9988)
0212 15:47:58.683472 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b4  (453 ) N:     556 (+ 0) (P:  0.63%) (WL: -0.96109) (D: 0.038) (M: 29.9) (Q: -0.96109) (U: 0.27929) (S: -0.71580) (V: -0.7709)
0212 15:47:58.683494 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b2  (442 ) N:     579 (+ 0) (P:  0.67%) (WL: -0.96728) (D: 0.026) (M: 25.5) (Q: -0.96728) (U: 0.28573) (S: -0.71564) (V: -0.8886)
0212 15:47:58.683516 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] h2h3  (400 ) N:     724 (+ 0) (P:  0.68%) (WL: -0.91661) (D: 0.080) (M: 53.1) (Q: -0.91661) (U: 0.23461) (S: -0.71534) (V: -0.8850)
0212 15:47:58.683537 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b5  (457 ) N:     846 (+ 0) (P:  0.67%) (WL: -0.87921) (D: 0.112) (M: 59.6) (Q: -0.87921) (U: 0.19655) (S: -0.71537) (V: -0.8315)
0212 15:47:58.683559 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b1  (438 ) N:    1029 (+ 0) (P:  0.80%) (WL: -0.87526) (D: 0.117) (M: 59.1) (Q: -0.87526) (U: 0.19237) (S: -0.71554) (V: -0.8018)
0212 15:47:58.683581 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b6  (460 ) N:    1099 (+ 0) (P:  0.90%) (WL: -0.88669) (D: 0.105) (M: 59.3) (Q: -0.88669) (U: 0.20404) (S: -0.71550) (V: -0.8482)
0212 15:47:58.683602 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3a3  (445 ) N:    1332 (+ 0) (P:  1.03%) (WL: -0.87576) (D: 0.120) (M: 63.8) (Q: -0.87576) (U: 0.19302) (S: -0.71541) (V: -0.6165)
0212 15:47:58.683624 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b7  (462 ) N:    1358 (+ 0) (P:  1.14%) (WL: -0.89118) (D: 0.099) (M: 58.7) (Q: -0.89118) (U: 0.20861) (S: -0.71550) (V: -0.8013)
0212 15:47:58.683645 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] h2h1  (390 ) N:    1408 (+ 0) (P:  1.11%) (WL: -0.87828) (D: 0.114) (M: 63.3) (Q: -0.87828) (U: 0.19568) (S: -0.71531) (V: -0.8096)
0212 15:47:58.683667 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3b8  (464 ) N:    1777 (+ 0) (P:  1.53%) (WL: -0.89614) (D: 0.095) (M: 57.5) (Q: -0.89614) (U: 0.21386) (S: -0.71529) (V: -0.7552)
0212 15:47:58.683688 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] g2g3  (374 ) N:    3009 (+ 0) (P:  3.34%) (WL: -0.95778) (D: 0.034) (M: 33.5) (Q: -0.95778) (U: 0.27644) (S: -0.71530) (V: -0.9896) (L)
0212 15:47:58.683710 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] a2a4  (207 ) N:    3119 (+ 0) (P:  2.01%) (WL: -0.84319) (D: 0.143) (M: 69.4) (Q: -0.84319) (U: 0.15994) (S: -0.71532) (V: -0.5805)
0212 15:47:58.683732 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3h3  (451 ) N:   13355 (+ 0) (P:  6.23%) (WL: -0.80019) (D: 0.189) (M: 72.1) (Q: -0.80019) (U: 0.11610) (S: -0.71530) (V: -0.5939)
0212 15:47:58.683754 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] h2g1  (389 ) N:   15469 (+ 0) (P: 13.37%) (WL: -0.89740) (D: 0.094) (M: 61.4) (Q: -0.89740) (U: 0.21515) (S: -0.71528) (V: -0.7707)
0212 15:47:58.683776 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f2f3  (346 ) N:   30783 (+ 0) (P: 20.64%) (WL: -0.84999) (D: 0.136) (M: 62.2) (Q: -0.84999) (U: 0.16689) (S: -0.71529) (V: -0.8009)
0212 15:47:58.683797 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] b3f3  (449 ) N:   48417 (+ 0) (P: 41.70%) (WL: -0.89661) (D: 0.097) (M: 56.1) (Q: -0.89661) (U: 0.21435) (S: -0.71528) (V: -0.5726)
0212 15:47:58.683818 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] a2a3  (204 ) N: 1937979 (+11) (P:  0.97%) (WL: -0.71728) (D: 0.262) (M: 88.8) (Q: -0.71728) (U: 0.00012) (S: -0.71528) (V: -0.5695)
0212 15:47:58.683839 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] node  (  22) N: 2065027 (+11) (P: 99.99%) (WL: -0.72708) (D: 0.253) (M: 88.0) (Q: -0.72708) (V: -0.4735)
0212 15:47:58.683861 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] --- Opponent moves after: a2a3
0212 15:47:58.684336 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2e3  (1475) N:      59 (+ 0) (P:  0.44%) (WL: -0.98697) (D: 0.012) (M: 37.4) (Q: -0.98697) (U: 1.74435) (S:  0.72304) (V: -0.9425)
0212 15:47:58.684362 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2c3  (1473) N:      62 (+ 0) (P:  0.47%) (WL: -0.99448) (D: 0.005) (M: 37.6) (Q: -0.99448) (U: 1.75410) (S:  0.72519) (V: -0.9798)
0212 15:47:58.684384 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2b4  (1467) N:      69 (+ 0) (P:  0.52%) (WL: -0.99877) (D: 0.001) (M: 34.8) (Q: -0.99877) (U: 1.74899) (S:  0.71574) (V: -0.9997)
0212 15:47:58.684405 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2b2  (1478) N:      73 (+ 0) (P:  0.54%) (WL: -0.99713) (D: 0.003) (M: 36.9) (Q: -0.99713) (U: 1.74939) (S:  0.71780) (V: -0.9922)
0212 15:47:58.684426 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d3  (1474) N:      74 (+ 0) (P:  0.55%) (WL: -0.96515) (D: 0.016) (M: 38.9) (Q: -0.96515) (U: 1.72969) (S:  0.73048) (V: -0.7274)
0212 15:47:58.684447 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] f4f3  (1076) N:     212 (+ 0) (P:  0.61%) (WL:  0.04965) (D: 0.893) (M: 133.0) (Q:  0.04965) (U: 0.68502) (S:  0.73189) (V:  0.0077)
0212 15:47:58.684469 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d4  (1469) N:     253 (+ 0) (P:  1.79%) (WL: -0.91789) (D: 0.036) (M: 42.7) (Q: -0.91789) (U: 1.67747) (S:  0.72622) (V:  0.2700)
0212 15:47:58.684491 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e4d4  (1036) N:     838 (+ 0) (P:  1.74%) (WL:  0.25317) (D: 0.732) (M: 113.6) (Q:  0.25317) (U: 0.49206) (S:  0.73225) (V:  0.4339)
0212 15:47:58.684513 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2a5  (1464) N:    1637 (+ 0) (P:  1.71%) (WL:  0.50701) (D: 0.473) (M: 103.0) (Q:  0.50701) (U: 0.24750) (S:  0.73140) (V:  0.2599)
0212 15:47:58.684534 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d8  (1460) N:    1744 (+ 0) (P:  2.66%) (WL:  0.38853) (D: 0.582) (M: 113.6) (Q:  0.38853) (U: 0.36231) (S:  0.73209) (V:  0.2549)
0212 15:47:58.684555 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d7  (1461) N:    1909 (+ 0) (P:  2.75%) (WL:  0.40895) (D: 0.560) (M: 113.0) (Q:  0.40895) (U: 0.34278) (S:  0.73218) (V:  0.2490)
0212 15:47:58.684576 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e4d5  (1029) N:    2190 (+ 0) (P:  4.91%) (WL:  0.21035) (D: 0.770) (M: 119.7) (Q:  0.21035) (U: 0.53276) (S:  0.73212) (V:  0.4723)
0212 15:47:58.684598 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2e2  (1480) N:    2895 (+ 0) (P:  3.34%) (WL:  0.48081) (D: 0.484) (M: 109.4) (Q:  0.48081) (U: 0.27372) (S:  0.73232) (V:  0.5144)
0212 15:47:58.684619 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d5  (1465) N:    2935 (+ 0) (P:  4.24%) (WL:  0.40821) (D: 0.556) (M: 112.5) (Q:  0.40821) (U: 0.34360) (S:  0.73230) (V:  0.2371)
0212 15:47:58.684640 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2a2  (1477) N:    3598 (+ 0) (P:  4.78%) (WL:  0.43747) (D: 0.531) (M: 110.7) (Q:  0.43747) (U: 0.31547) (S:  0.73230) (V:  0.3304)
0212 15:47:58.684662 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2e1  (1487) N:    3671 (+ 0) (P:  4.21%) (WL:  0.48241) (D: 0.490) (M: 108.1) (Q:  0.48241) (U: 0.27216) (S:  0.73231) (V:  0.4681)
0212 15:47:58.684683 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2c2  (1479) N:    4114 (+ 0) (P:  5.09%) (WL:  0.45980) (D: 0.512) (M: 106.5) (Q:  0.45980) (U: 0.29397) (S:  0.73232) (V:  0.4757)
0212 15:47:58.684705 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d6  (1462) N:    4846 (+ 0) (P:  6.97%) (WL:  0.40996) (D: 0.557) (M: 111.3) (Q:  0.40996) (U: 0.34190) (S:  0.73227) (V:  0.3522)
0212 15:47:58.684726 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e4f5  (1031) N:    6007 (+ 0) (P:  6.95%) (WL:  0.47947) (D: 0.492) (M: 107.3) (Q:  0.47947) (U: 0.27498) (S:  0.73229) (V:  0.4494)
0212 15:47:58.684748 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2d1  (1486) N:    7550 (+ 1) (P:  5.23%) (WL:  0.58161) (D: 0.395) (M: 95.8) (Q:  0.58161) (U: 0.16470) (S:  0.73233) (V:  0.4207)
0212 15:47:58.684769 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] e4e5  (1030) N:   59307 (+ 0) (P:  5.18%) (WL:  0.70882) (D: 0.267) (M: 87.6) (Q:  0.70882) (U: 0.02077) (S:  0.73235) (V:  0.4197)
0212 15:47:58.684796 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2c1  (1485) N:  859163 (+10) (P:  3.60%) (WL:  0.72922) (D: 0.252) (M: 87.8) (Q:  0.72922) (U: 0.00099) (S:  0.73235) (V:  0.3495)
0212 15:47:58.684819 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] d2f2  (1481) N:  974772 (+ 0) (P: 31.73%) (WL:  0.72019) (D: 0.260) (M: 86.8) (Q:  0.72019) (U: 0.00773) (S:  0.73235) (V:  0.8689)
0212 15:47:58.684842 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] node  (  23) N: 1937979 (+11) (P: 100.0%) (WL:  0.71728) (D: 0.262) (M: 88.8) (Q:  0.71728) (V:  0.5695)
0212 15:47:58.684870 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\chess\] << bestmove a2a3 ponder d2f2
0212 15:47:58.684910 3064 c:\projects\lc0\src\mcts\] End a watchdog thread.
- - By Chess Player Date 2022-01-30 14:04

1/2  00:00   2  222   0,00  g5xf6
1/2  00:00   4  64  +94,91  g5-g6 f6-f5
2/3  00:00   5  51  +105,21  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7
2/4  00:00   6  42  +1,53  g5-g6 f6-f5 Lb1xf5
3/4  00:00   12  38  +88,34 Lb1-f5 f6xg5 Lf5-e4 g5-g4
3/5  00:00   14  36  +92,90  Lb1-f5 f6xg5 Lf5-e4 g5-g4 Kg3xg4
3/6  00:01   18  35  +91,21  Lb1-f5 f6xg5 Lf5-e4 g5-g4 Kg3xg4 Ke2-f2
4/7  00:01   25  36  +89,23  Lb1-f5 f6xg5 Lf5-e4 g5-g4 Kg3xg4 Ke2-f2 Sf1-g3
3/7  00:01   30  35  +89,23  Lb1-f5 f6xg5 Lf5-e4 g5-g4 Kg3xg4 Ke2-f2 Sf1-g3
3/8  00:03   132  40  +89,23  Lb1-f5 f6xg5 Lf5-e4 g5-g4 Kg3xg4 Ke2-f2 Sf1-g3
3/8  00:05   191  40  +8,91  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2
4/8  00:07   279  41  +14,24  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2
4/9  00:09   367  41  +19,92  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
4/10  00:13   544  43  +28,36  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D Kf2-e2
4/10  00:18   800  45  +37,19  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D Kf2-e2
4/10  00:23   1k  46  +38,38  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D Kf2-e2 Dg8-g2+
5/10  00:25   1k  46  +40,14  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D Kf2-e2 Dg8-g2+
5/10  00:30   1k  46  +32,49  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D Kf2-e2 Dg8-g2+
4/10  00:30   1k  49  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
3/10  00:31   2k  73  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
3/10  00:36   3k  90  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
3/14  19:58   306k  255  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
2/14  19:59   306k  255  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
3/14  19:59   306k  255  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
2/14  19:59   306k  255  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
3/14  19:59   306k  255  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
2/14  19:59   306k  255  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
2/14  20:04   308k  256  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+
2/14  35:09   791k  375  +M5  g5-g6 f6-f5 g6-g7 f5-f4+ Kg3xf4 Ke2-f2 g7-g8D e3-e2 Dg8-g3+

Was ist hier auffällig?

Und hier die Konfiguration von Lc0:
Läßt sich etwas verbessern? Wenn ja, was?
Parent - - By Chess Player Date 2022-02-12 10:34
Gerade diese sehr hilfreichen Infos dazu gefunden.
Parent - By Lothar Jung Date 2022-02-12 10:52 Upvotes 1
Ja, damit fängt man an, wenn man sich mit Lc0 beschäftigt.
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Ist LC0 soooooo langsam?

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