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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Rybka 3 against Rybka 2.3.2a T4
- - By Orlando de la Vega Date 2008-09-11 17:22
Rybka 3 against Rybka 2.3.2a T4

PlaceEngineAuthorCountryPointsSingle results
1Rybka 3Vasik Rajlich29.5/5001½1½½1½1½-½½½½0½½1½0-½0½1½1½1½½-½½½½11½101-001½½½½111
2Rybka 2.3.2a T4Vasik Rajlich20.5/5010½0½½0½0½-½½½½1½½0½1-½1½0½0½0½½-½½½½00½010-110½½½½000

50 of 50 matches played.
Rybka 3 v/s Rybka 2.3.2a T4 (50: + 16,= 27,- 7)

Start of tournament: ......... 2008.09.10, 17:32:12
Town/ Country: .............. Dax, France
Level: ............................ Blitz 40/5' repeated
Hardware: ...................... AMD Phenom(TM) 9750 Quad-Core
Engines: ......................... Rybka 3 / Rybka 2.3.2a T4
Hash: ............................. 128 MB / 512 MB
GUI: ............................... Shredder Classic 3
OS: ................................ Windows Vista
Ponder OFF
Nalimov TB ..................... 3+4+5
Book: ............................. Shredder book, stopped using after 5 moves.
Openings: ....................... 25 different openings randomly chosen by GUI, large mode.

You  know what ? I am simply impressed by this new engine.

Best regards,
Parent - - By Gerhard Sonnabend Date 2008-09-11 19:39 Edited 2008-09-11 19:42
Hi Orlando !

I've done the following:

Rybka 3.0 x64 1CPU

vs Naum 3.1 x64 4CPU           65.5-34.5
vs Zappa MX II x64 4CPU        70.5-29.5
vs Hiarcs 12 4CPU              68.0-32.0
vs Deep Shredder 11 x64 4CPU   69.5-30.5
vs Bright 0.3d 4CPU            80.0-20.0
vs Loop M1 4CPU                79.5-20.5

Level 40/3+40/3+...
128MB HTs each
no TBs
50 positions, each with White and Black


Is it Vista 32- or 64-bit you use ?
Parent - - By Orlando de la Vega Date 2008-09-11 22:17
Hi Gerhard,

thanks for your post. It shows that Rybka 3 1-CPU stay unbeatable against 4-CPU opponents.
I'll try to do the next test of Rybka 3 1-CPU against Toga II 4-CPU.
I use Windows Vista 32-bits.

Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2008-09-12 08:20
Thanks for your work, Orlando, and the aggrgation, Gerhard.
Strong R3!

This fits very good to the Ranking in
1.) Rybka3 x64 4CPU
2.) Rybka3 x64 2CPU
3.) Rybka3 w32 2CPU
4.) Rybka3 x64 1CPU

Interesting is, that in this CEGT-List even 'Rybka 3 w32 1CPU' lays in front of all not-Rybka-Engines running on 4 Cores.
And the strongest 'Rybka 3 w32 1CPU'-follower is Zappa Mexico II on 4 Cores with 64 bit.
And that hardware-pushed Zappa has anyhow 37 ELO-points less than that 'Rybka on Hardware for poor people"

Orlando, do you feel delight to do such a series with that 'Rybka 3 w32 1CPU'?

Another interesting question:
If 'Zappa Mexico II 64bit' plays on a modern quad, how flabby must the opponent machine with a 'Rybka 3 w32 1CPU' be, so that these Engines play a 50:50-match over a larg number of games? Which Rybka3-Processor-frequency would fit?

Parent - By Gerhard Sonnabend Date 2008-09-12 10:15
Hi Benno !

[quote="Benno Hartwig"]


Another interesting question:
If 'Zappa Mexico II 64bit' plays on a modern quad, how flabby must the opponent machine with a 'Rybka 3 w32 1CPU' be,
so that these Engines play a 50:50-match over a larg number of games? Which Rybka3-Processor-frequency would fit?

I suppose a "50-50" would be possible if
Rybka 3.0 w32 1CPU (1x2.4GHz) play against:

Naum 3.1 x64 4CPU (4x2.4GHz)
Zappa MX II x64 4CPU (4x2.4GHz)

Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Rybka 3 against Rybka 2.3.2a T4

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