ist gerade rausgeschiehen. Author hat diese version gerade entwickelt. Hoffe dass Ingo es auf seiner Seite ein Versuch gebe.
Hier sind die Veränderung
Von hier kann man eine spezielle version von Texel laden, die über 800 UCI Parametern haben. Die sind nur für Leute die Spass haben wollen, und um Texel stärker zu machen: Diese Version ist 35 Elo stärker. 1.07 of my chess engine Texel is now available for download.
This version contains the following features:
- New parallel search based on lazy SMP and ABDADA.
- Parallel search can use computer clusters.
- Include hashfull information in UCI output.
- UCI option to control whether the transposition table is aged when starting a new search in analysis mode.
- BMI2 compile.
- Support for large pages in Windows.
The following executables are included in the download package:
texel64bmi.exe : For 64-bit Windows 7 or later Intel systems with BMI2, SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
texel64.exe : For 64-bit Windows 7 or later Intel systems with SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
texel64amd.exe : For 64-bit Windows systems with SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
texel64old.exe : For 64-bit Windows systems without SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
texel64cl.exe : Cluster version of texel64.exe. Requires Microsoft MPI to be installed.
texel64 : For 64-bit Linux Intel systems with SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
texel-arm64 : For the Android armv8-a 64-bit architecture.
texel-arm : For the Android armv7-a architecture.
texel32.exe : For 32-bit Windows systems with SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
texel32old.exe : For 32-bit Windows systems without SSE42 and POPCOUNT.
For more Android executables see the "Texel Chess Engine" app in the Google Play Store.
The Linux executable requires a fairly recent 64-bit Linux distribution to run. To compile your own Linux version see the readme.txt file. Running "make texel64" should work in most cases.
Cluster support depends on MPI. See the readme.txt file for more information.
Texel 1.07 is around 35 elo stronger than Texel 1.06 in self play at very fast time controls.
Detailed list of changes:
- More aggressive LMR in expected CUT nodes.
- Don't use history and killer heuristics for captures.
- Prevent q-search explosion in pathological cases.
- Allow LMR for checking moves with negative SEE value.
- Don't do internal iterative deepening when in check.
- Don't do razoring when in check.
- Don't check extend SEE<0 moves at depth<=3.
- More LMR/LMP reduction if the evaluation score is worse than it was two plies ago. Idea from stockfish.
- More aggressive reverse futility parameters.
- In hash replacement, prefer a deep bound over a shallow exact entry if the depth difference is larger than 3.
- Use history score to control LMR reductions.
Parallel search:
- Parallel search algorithm changed to hybrid lazy SMP / ABDADA.
- Removed code that on NUMA avoids probing the TT at depth 0 for nodes > 0.
- Removed the piece trade bonus.
- Implemented fortress detection for KQvsKRM+pawns endgames.
- Added endgame correction for KQKNNNN which is generally won by the knights.
- Support for large and huge page allocations for the transposition table.
- Added alpha/beta pruning to the SEE function.
- Added support for sliding move generation using the PEXT BMI2 machine code instruction.
- Include "hashfull" information in UCI output.
- Added UCI option to control whether the transposition table is aged when starting a new search in analysis mode.