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Man darf gespannt sein, wieviel das in den diversen Ranglisten bringt. In meinem großen Contempt-Experiment waren es nur so ca. 5 Elo, aber ich habe ja auch nur gegen zwei Top-Engines und drei etwas schwächere Engines getestet. In den Ranglisten wird Stockfish ja gegen sehr viel mehr und sehr viel schwächere Engines getestet. Insofern würde ich bei FGRL, CEGT, IPON einen erheblich höheren Elogewinn erwarten.
Author: Stéphane Nicolet
Date: Tue Jan 23 14:26:45 2018 +0100
Timestamp: 1516714005
Contempt 20
Set the default contempt value of Stockfish to 20 centipawns.
The contempt feature of Stockfish tries to prevent the engine from
simplifying the position too quickly when it feels that it is very
slightly behind, instead keeping the tension a little bit longer.
Various tests in November 2017 have proved that our current imple-
mentation works well against SF7 (which is about 130 Elo weaker than
current master) and than the Elo gain is an increasing function of
contempt, going (against SF7) from +0 Elo when contempt is set at
zero centipawns, to +30 Elo when contempt is 40 centipawns.
See pull request 1325 for details:
https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/pull/1325 This november discussion left open the decision of which "default"
value for contempt we should use for Stockfish, taking into account
the various uses ofStockfish (opening preparation for humans, computer
online tournaments,analysis tool for web pages, human/computer play,
This pull request proposes to set the default contempt value of SF
to twenty centipawns, which turns out to be the highest value which
is not a regression against current master, as this seemed to be a
good compromise between risk and safety. A couple of SPRT[-3..1]
tests were done to bisect this value:
Contempt 10:
http://tests.stockfishchess.org/tests/view/5a5d42d20ebc5902977e2901 (PASSED)
Contempt 15:
http://tests.stockfishchess.org/tests/view/5a5d41740ebc5902977e28fa (PASSED)
Contempt 20:
http://tests.stockfishchess.org/tests/view/5a5d42060ebc5902977e28fc (PASSED)
Contempt 25:
http://tests.stockfishchess.org/tests/view/5a5d433f0ebc5902977e2904 (FAILED)
Surprisingly, a test at "very long time control" hinted that using
contempt 20 is not only be non-regressive against contempt 0, but
may actually exhibit some small Elo gain, giving a likehood of superio-
rity of 88.7% after 8500 games: