Walter Eigenmann schrieb:
Vielleicht kennt gerade jemand ein *.ctg, das die Programme weniger ausgeglichen ins Mittelspiel schickt?
Dank und Gruss: Walter
Gibt es! (SALC V2 and OLIK downloaden).
Das Paket enthält drei Bücher (SALC, OLIK und Kombibuch aus beiden). SALC und OLIK jeweils aus 10000 Partien (ohne Doubletten) generiert. Zusätzlich sind die verwendeten Partien als pgn-Datei dabei, sowie die jeweiligen Endstellungen als epd-Datei. Die Erläuterung kopiere ich mal aus den readme-Files hier rein (auf Englisch):
The SALC V2 10moves book was created out of 10000 human games (both players >=2200 Elo, game at least 30 moves
castling to opposite sides (if white played 0-0, black played 0-0-0. If white played 0-0-0, black
played 0-0)), both queens still on board. No double games. Evaluation of Komodo 10.2 in move 11 (after the end
of book) (20 seconds, 3 cores, 2048MB Hash) in an interval of [-0.60,+0.60]. All game-results were set
to 1/2-1/2, so that all moves of the book are played by the GUI.
The book is 10 move (20 plies) deep and contains around 58000 moves. I created it in two book-formats:
FritzGUI/ChessBase and Shredder Classic GUI.
OLIK = Open Line in front of King
The OLIK_12moves book was created out of 10000 human games (both players >=2200 Elo, game at least 30 moves
In front of one castled king, no pawn of own color (a,b,g,h line) or no pawn (c,f line). Example: White played 0-0. And ((no white pawn on g2,g3,g4,g5,g6,g7) or (no white pawn on h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,h7)
or (no pawn on f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7)) and both queens still on the board.
Evaluation of Komodo 10.2 in move 13 (after the end of book) (20 seconds, 3 cores, 2048MB Hash) in an
interval of [-0.60,+0.60] and out of an interval of [-0.15,+0.15]. All game-results were set
to 1/2-1/2, so that all moves of the book are played by the GUI.
The book is 12 moves (24 plies) deep and contains around 106000 moves. I created it in two book-formats:
FritzGUI/ChessBase and Shredder Classic GUI.
The OLIK 12moves book is 12 moves (24 plies) deep, because the number of detected games is very small. With 12 moves, there are only 10000 games filtered out of around 1.200.000 games (!!!).
If the book would be not so deep, the number of games would be too small...
Mit diesen beiden Büchern kann man die Remisqoute stark absenken, obwohl keine extrem unausgeglichenen Stellungen dabei sind (da alle mit Komodo gefiltert wurden(siehe Beschreibung weiter oben)).
Ich habe diese Bücher auch einem harten Praxistest unterzogen:
To verify, how much the draw rate is lowered by these new books / opening-positions sets, I did three testruns. 3000 games each (=9000 games). Stockfish 8 in selfplay. 70''+700ms thinkingtime, singlecore, LittleBlitzerGUI (using the 10000 positions epd-files, playing in RoundRobin-mode, in which for each game one epd-position is chosen per random).
Test 1: 34700 standard 8-move opening epd. Draw rate: 83.0%
Test 2: 10000 OLIK epd. Draw rate: 71.9%
Test 3: 10000 SALC V2 epd. Draw rate: 68.2%
Das SALC V2 Buch benutze ich für mein long thinking-time Turnier ( Dort kann man auch alle bisher gespielten Partien in diesem Turnier herunterladen (z.Zt. immerhin über 2300) und so einen guten Eindruck vom SALC-Buch gewinnen.
Stefan (SPCC)