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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Endspiel-Motiv Ungleiche Läufer...
- - By Walter Eigenmann Date 2016-12-30 11:32

Das Endspiel-Motiv Ungleiche Läufer ist ja ein Computerschach-Klassiker. Doch heute immer noch?

Scheint so. Stockfish 8 oder auch Komodo wollen mit Schwarz in der folgenden Stellung...

... partout die Türme tauschen, um mit dem (Doppel-)Mehrbauern zu gewinnen, was aber (trotz hoher Schwarz-Bewertung) nur Remis ergibt.

Der Mensch (v.a. wenn er S. Karjakin heisst...) knipst hingegen den Läufer sofort weg als die einzige wirkliche Verteidigung des Weissen, wonach der g-Bauer zu seinem schwarzen Umwandlungsfeld durchläuft:

Noch ist also das Compi-Schach längst nicht aus seiner "strategischen" Talsohle raus, und ein paar "menschliche" Vorzüge bleiben auch im neuen Jahr 2017 - guten Rutsch!


Parent - - By Thomas Müller Date 2016-12-30 11:50
bei mir nicht.....

Analysis by Komodo 10.3 64-bit:

64...Td7xg7 65.Ld4xg7 g5-g4 66.Kc3-d2 Kf4-f3 67.c4-c5 g4-g3 68.Kd2-e1 g3-g2 69.Lg7-d4 Lf5-d3 70.Ld4-g1 Ld3-b1 71.a2-a3 Lb1-d3 72.Ke1-d2 Ld3-f5 73.Kd2-e1 Lf5-e6 74.b3-b4 Le6-d7 75.Lg1-h2 Ld7-c6 76.Lh2-g1 g6-g5 77.Lg1-d4 g5-g4 78.Ld4-g1 Lc6-e8 79.Ke1-d2 Le8-a4 80.Lg1-d4 La4-b5 81.Kd2-e1 Lb5-d7 82.Ld4-g1 Ld7-e6 83.Lg1-d4 Le6-d5 84.Ke1-d2 Ld5-e4 85.Kd2-e1 Le4-f5 86.Ke1-d2 Lf5-c8 87.Ld4-g1 Lc8-e6 88.Kd2-e1 Le6-d5 89.Lg1-d4
  -/+ (-1.34)  Tiefe: 7   00:00:02  13kN
  -/+ (-1.56)  Tiefe: 45   00:01:00  358MN, tb=2524927
64...Td7xd4 65.Kc3xd4 b7-b6
  -+ (-1.62 ++)  Tiefe: 45   00:01:29  528MN, tb=4508871
  -+ (-4.36 ++)  Tiefe: 45   00:02:46  1003MN, tb=8327756

nach 3 min abgebrochen weil zug gefunden und deutlicher wertung.
Mit 8 threads, 8GB hash und aktiven 6erTBs

guten rutsch

Parent - - By Walter Eigenmann Date 2016-12-30 12:08
Thomas Müller schrieb:

bei mir nicht.....

bei mir doch:

Analysis by Komodo 10.2 64-bit:

64...Txg7 65.Lxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.a3 Kf3 68.Ke1 g5 69.Le5 Lc2 70.b4 Ld3 71.c5 Lb5 72.Ld4 g2 73.Lg1 g4 74.Ld4 g3 75.Lg1 Lc6 76.Kd1 Ke4 77.Kd2 Lb5 78.Le3 La4 79.Ke2 Lb3 80.Lg1 Ld5 81.Kd2 Le6 82.Ke2 Lc4+ 83.Ke1
  -/+ (-1.30)  Tiefe: 7   00:00:00  11kN
  -/+ (-1.60)  Tiefe: 31   00:01:24  860MN, tb=1825333

Scheint also, als böte Komodo's neueste Version 10.3 einen deutlichen Mehrwert...

Gruss: Walter

Parent - By Roland Riener Date 2016-12-30 12:42
Spark überrascht öfter bei derartigen Analysen:

2 Kerne, 2 GB Hash, ohne TBs, abgebrochen nach 10 Minuten

8/1p1r2R1/p5p1/5bp1/2PB1k2/1PK5/P7/8 b - - 0 1

Analysis by spark-1.0-win64-mp-corei:

64...Txg7 65.Lxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Lb1 68.a3 La2 69.Kf1 Lxb3 70.c5 La4 71.Lf8 a5 72.Ld6+ Kf3 73.Le5 g5 74.Lc7 Lc6 75.Le5 g4 76.Lc7
  -/+ (-1.16)  Tiefe: 22/40   00:00:10  37645kN
64...Txd4 65.Kxd4 g4 66.Txb7 g3 67.Te7 g2 68.Te1 g5 69.c5 Kf3 70.Tc1 Kf2 71.Ke5 Lc8 72.Tc2+ Kg3 73.Tc1 Kh2 74.Kf6 g4 75.Ke5 g1D 76.Txg1 Kxg1
  -/+ (-1.59)  Tiefe: 22/40   00:00:12  47764kN
64...Txd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Te7+ Le4 68.Tf7 g4 69.Tf1 g3 70.Te1+ Kf3 71.Tf1+ Ke2 72.Tc1 g2 73.Kd4 Lf3 74.b4 Kf2 75.c5 b5 76.Ke5 g5 77.Kf5 g4 78.Tc2+ Kg3 79.Tc1 Kh2 80.c6 Lxc6 81.Kxg4 g1D+ 82.Txg1 Kxg1
  -+ (-3.23)  Tiefe: 31/64   00:08:50  2030MN

Gruß, Roland
Parent - - By Thomas Müller Date 2016-12-30 13:04
mit 10.2 auch.
Allerdings dauerts länger.
Nicht reproduzierbar weil SMP bei mir.....bei dir keine settings ersichtlich.

Analysis by Komodo 10.2 64-bit:

64...Td7xg7 65.Ld4xg7 g5-g4 66.Kc3-d2 Kf4-f3 67.c4-c5 g4-g3 68.Kd2-e1 Kf3-g2 69.Lg7-e5 Lf5-d3 70.Le5-c7 Kg2-f3 71.Lc7-e5 Ld3-b5 72.Le5-d4 g3-g2 73.Ke1-d2 Lb5-d7 74.Kd2-e1 Ld7-f5 75.b3-b4 Lf5-e6 76.a2-a3 g6-g5 77.Ld4-g1 g5-g4 78.Lg1-d4 Le6-f5 79.Ke1-d2 Lf5-d7 80.Kd2-e1 Ld7-b5 81.Ke1-d2 Kf3-e4 82.Ld4-g1 g4-g3 83.Kd2-c3 Lb5-c6 84.Kc3-d2 Lc6-d7 85.Kd2-c3 Ld7-f5 86.Lg1-d4 Lf5-e6 87.Ld4-g1 Le6-d7 88.Kc3-d2
  -/+ (-1.34)  Tiefe: 7   00:00:01  27kN
  -/+ (-1.53)  Tiefe: 43   00:01:35  1190MN, tb=3268205
64...Td7xd4 65.Kc3xd4 b7-b6
  -/+ (-1.59 ++)  Tiefe: 43   00:03:01  2521MN, tb=13068126
  -+ (-1.74 ++)  Tiefe: 43   00:06:36  6466MN, tb=48207403

Aber Patrick und Roland haben weitere gepostest womit ich deine aussage ...
Noch ist also das Compi-Schach längst nicht aus seiner "strategischen" Talsohle raus, und ein paar "menschliche" Vorzüge bleiben auch im neuen Jahr 2017

...für zumindest fragwürdig halte mit diesem bsp.
Trotzdem danke für die stellung !

Parent - By Walter Eigenmann Date 2016-12-30 13:25
Thomas Müller schrieb:

Aber Patrick und Roland haben weitere gepostest womit ich deine aussage ...
Noch ist also das Compi-Schach längst nicht aus seiner "strategischen" Talsohle raus, und ein paar "menschliche" Vorzüge bleiben auch im neuen Jahr 2017

...für zumindest fragwürdig halte mit diesem bsp.

Na na na... auch "positive Ausreisser" gibt's immer, doch ich schätze mal, dass eine massive Mehrheit der 50 gebräuchlichsten Engines heute
das Stratagem dieser Stellung nicht kapiert bzw. deutlich länger als ein paar Sekunden für die Lösung braucht, während ein Meisterspieler
rein "intuitiv" und sofort das Qualitätsopfer in Erwägung zieht.

Gruss: Walter

Parent - By Patrick Jansen Date 2016-12-30 12:08
Hallo Walter,

i7-3720QM, Stockfish 291216 64 POPCNT, 3 Threads, 2048MB Hash, keinerlei Tablebases

Suche manuell nach 20 Minuten abgebrochen - es wurde 20 Minuten lang über Rxd4 nachgedacht.

0.12: -1.39/39 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 Ba6 81.Bd4 Bd3 82.Kd2 Bc4 83.Ke1 Ba6 84.Bg1 Bd3 85.Bd4
0.13: -1.35/40 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 g4 81.Kd2 g3 82.Bd4 Bb5 83.Be3 Bd7 84.Bd4 Ke4 85.Be3 Bc6 86.Bg1 Kf3 87.Bd4
0.18: -1.35/41 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 g4 81.Kd2 g3 82.Bd4 Bb5 83.Be3 Bd7 84.Bd4 Ke4 85.Be3 Bc6 86.Bg1 Bd5 87.Be3
0.21: -1.35/42 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 g4 81.Kd2 g3 82.Bd4 Bb5 83.Be3 Bd7 84.Bd4 Ke4 85.Be3 Bc6 86.Bg1 Bd5 87.Be3 Kf3 88.Bd4
0.32: -1.35/43 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 g4 81.Kd2 g3 82.Bd4 Bb5 83.Be3 Bd7 84.Bd4 Ke4 85.Be3 Bc6 86.Bg1 Bd5 87.Be3 Bc4 88.Bg1
0.36: -1.35/44 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 g4 81.Kd2 g3 82.Bd4 Bb5 83.Be3 Bd7 84.Bd4 Ke4 85.Be3 Bc6 86.Bg1 Bd5 87.Be3 Bc4 88.Bg1 Bb5
0.46: -1.35/45 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 g2 69.Bd4 Be6 70.Kd2 g5 71.Bg1 a5 72.Kd3 Bd5 73.Kd2 a4 74.bxa4 Bxa2 75.Ke1 Bd5 76.a5 Be4 77.Bd4 Bc6 78.Kd2 Bb5 79.Ke1 Bc4 80.Bg1 g4 81.Kd2 g3 82.Bd4 Bb5 83.Be3 Bd7 84.Bd4 Ke4 85.Be3 Bc6 86.Bg1 Kf3 87.Bd4 Bd7 88.Be3 Bf5 89.Bd4
20.53: -10.53/46 64...Rxd4
Parent - By Patrick Jansen Date 2016-12-30 12:15
i7-3720QM, Deep HIARCS 14 WCSC, 3 Threads, 2048MB Hash, keinerlei Tablebases

0.00: -1.06/18 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Ke3 67.Bd4+ Ke2
0.00: -1.09/19 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Bd4 Kf3 67.Kd2 Bb1 68.a3 Ba2
0.01: -1.10/20 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a4 Ba2 68.b4 Bxc4 69.Kc3 Be6 70.Kd2 g3
0.01: -1.10/21 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a4 Ba2 68.Kc3 g3 69.Bd4 g2 70.b4 Kg3 71.Bg1 Kf3 72.Kd2 Bxc4 73.Ke1 Bd5 74.Bd4 Bb3 75.a5 Bd5 76.Bc5 g5 77.Bg1 Be4
0.02: -1.11/22 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a4 Ba2 68.Kc3 g3 69.Bd4 Kf3 70.Kb2 g2 71.Kxa2 Ke2 72.Kb2 Kf1 73.Kc3 g5 74.Kd3
0.02: -1.11/23 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a4 Ba2 68.Kc3 g3 69.Bd4 g2 70.b4 Kg3 71.Bg1 Kf3 72.Kd2 Bxc4 73.Ke1 Bd5 74.Bb6 Bb3 75.a5 g5 76.Bc5 g4 77.Bg1 g3 78.Bd4 Bc4
0.04: -0.87/24 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a4 Ba2 68.Kc3 g3 69.Bd4 Ke4 70.Bc5
0.06: -1.11/25 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a4 Ba2 68.Kc3 g3 69.Bd4 Bb1 70.b4 Kf3 71.b5 Ke2 72.bxa6 bxa6
0.11: -0.85/26 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Bb1 67.a3 Ba2 68.Kc2 Ke4 69.Bf8 g3 70.Bc5 g5 71.Kb2 Kd3 72.Kxa2
0.16: -0.64/27 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 Kg2 69.Be5 Be6 70.Bd6
0.20: -0.64/28 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.c5 g3 68.Ke1 Kg2 69.Be5 Be6 70.Bd6 Kh2 71.Be5 Bd5 72.Ke2 g5 73.Kf1 a5 74.Ke2 g4 75.Bc7 Be4 76.Ke3 Bc6 77.Be5 Bd5 78.Bc7 Be6 79.Ke2 a4 80.bxa4
0.36: -1.85/28 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rd7 g4 69.Rd1 Kf2 70.Rd2+ Kf3 71.a4
0.39: -1.87/29 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rd7 g4 69.Rd1 Kf2 70.Rd2+ Kf3 71.Kd4 g3 72.b4 Bf5 73.c5 g2 74.Rd1 Ke2
0.44: -1.88/30 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rd7 g4 69.Rd1 Kf2 70.Rd2+ Kf3 71.Kd4 g3 72.a4 Bf5 73.a5 bxa5
0.55: -1.89/31 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rd7 g4 69.Rd1 Kf2 70.Rd2+ Kf3 71.Kd4 g3 72.b4 Bf5 73.c5 g2 74.Rd1 Ke2 75.Ra1 bxc5+
1.21: -2.10/32 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rd7 g4 69.Rd1 Kf2 70.Rd2+ Kf3 71.Rd1 g3
3.50: -3.33/33 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Re7 g4
5.30: -3.57/34 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3
Parent - By Patrick Jansen Date 2016-12-30 12:29
i7-3720QM, Deep Junior Yokohama, 3 Threads, 2048MB Hash, keinerlei Tablebases

0.00: -0.90/3 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd4
0.00: -0.28/6 64...Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Bh6+ Ke5 67.Bg5 g3
0.00: -0.43/9 64...Rd8 65.Rxb7 g4 66.Ra7 g3 67.Rxa6 g2 68.Rf6
0.00: -0.60/12 64...Rd8 65.Rxb7 g4 66.Re7 g3 67.c5 g2 68.Re1 Kf3 69.Bg1 g5
0.00: -0.45/15 64...Rd8 65.Rxb7 g4 66.Re7 g3 67.c5 Kg4 68.Kc4 Bd7 69.Rg7 Bb5+ 70.Kc3 g5 71.Bf6 Rd3+ 72.Kb4 g2
0.00: -0.43/18 64...Rd8 65.Rxb7 g4 66.Re7 g3 67.c5 Kf3 68.Re1 Be4 69.Rf1+ Kg4 70.Re1 Re8 71.Bf6 a5 72.Kd4 g2 73.Bg5
0.06: -0.40/21 64...Rd8 65.Rxb7 g4 66.Re7 g3 67.Re1 a5 68.c5 Be4 69.Kc4 Rd7 70.Bg1 Bd3+ 71.Kc3 Bb5 72.Re6 Rd1 73.Rf6+ Ke5
0.07: -1.17/21 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 g4 66.Rxb7 g3 67.Re7 Kf3 68.Re1 Kf2 69.Ra1 g2 70.c5 g5 71.Ke5
0.09: -1.03/23 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 g4 66.Rxb7 g3 67.Re7 g2 68.Re1 Kf3 69.c5 Bd7 70.Ke5 Bb5
0.17: -1.04/25 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 g4 66.Rxb7 g3 67.Re7 g2 68.Re1 Kf3 69.c5 g5 70.Rc1 Kf2 71.Ke5 Bc8 72.Kf6 g4
0.29: -0.68/27 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 g4 66.Rxb7 g3 67.Re7 g2 68.Re1 Kf3 69.c5 Bd7 70.Ke5 Bb5 71.Rg1 Kf2 72.Rxg2+ Kxg2 73.a4 Be8
1.36: -1.12/28 64...Rxd4
2.44: -1.37/29 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Rh7 g4 67.Rh1 Kf3 68.a4 g3 69.b4 g2 70.Rc1 Kf2 71.b5
3.42: -1.38/30 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Rh7 g4 67.Rh1 Kf3 68.a4 g3 69.b4 g2 70.Ra1 Kf2 71.b5
4.51: -1.38/31 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Rh7 g4 67.Rh1 Kf3
13.08: -1.81/32 64...Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Rh7 g4 67.Rh1 g3 68.Rf1+ Kg4 69.Ke3 g2 70.Rg1 Kg3 71.b4
Parent - - By Jörg Oster Date 2016-12-30 14:50
Sehr schöne Stellung mal wieder.
Etwas mehr Wissen und/oder mehr Vorsicht beim Pruning zahlt sich manchmal dann doch aus.

Mein privater Stockfish mit einigen Änderungen, 1 Thread, 512 MB Hash, no EGTBs:

info depth 33 seldepth 45 multipv 1 score cp 132 nodes 165676532 nps 2211556 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 74914 pv d7g7 d4g7 g5g4 c3d2 g4g3 c4c5 f4f3 d2e1 g3g2 g7d4 f5e6 e1d2 g6g5 d2e1 a6a5 e1d2 a5a4 b3a4 e6a2 c5c6 b7c6 a4a5 a2c4 d2e1 c4a6 d4c5 a6b5 c5b6 b5d3 b6c5 d3a6 c5b6 a6b5 b6c5 g5g4 c5b6 b5d3 b6c5 d3a6 c5b6 a6b5
info depth 34 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 currmove g5g4 currmovenumber 2
info depth 34 currmove f4e4 currmovenumber 9
info depth 34 currmove f5e6 currmovenumber 12
info depth 34 currmove d7e7 currmovenumber 14
info depth 34 currmove f4g4 currmovenumber 18
info depth 34 currmove d7f7 currmovenumber 21
info depth 34 seldepth 52 multipv 1 score cp 139 lowerbound nodes 232208662 nps 2202031 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 105452 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 54 multipv 1 score cp 146 lowerbound nodes 235802071 nps 2204726 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 106953 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 54 multipv 1 score cp 157 lowerbound nodes 239277856 nps 2207828 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 108377 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 172 lowerbound nodes 242956161 nps 2211507 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 109860 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 193 lowerbound nodes 247347936 nps 2215724 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 111633 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 56 multipv 1 score cp 222 lowerbound nodes 253308953 nps 2221462 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 114028 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 60 multipv 1 score cp 259 lowerbound nodes 262506445 nps 2229164 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 117760 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 seldepth 60 multipv 1 score cp 307 lowerbound nodes 278439171 nps 2240472 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 124277 pv d7d4
info depth 34 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 34 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 2
info depth 34 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 366 nodes 302917491 nps 2255881 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 134279 pv d7d4 c3d4 b7b6 b3b4 g5g4 g7e7 g4g3 e7e1 g3g2 e1c1 f4f3 c4c5 b6c5 b4c5 f3f2 d4e5 g2g1q c1g1 f2g1 c5c6 g1f2 c6c7 f2g3 e5f6 g3f4 c7c8b f5c8 f6g6 f4e5 g6g5 c8e6 a2a3 a6a5 g5h4 e5d4 h4g3 d4c4 g3f2 c4b3 a3a4 e6d5
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 373 lowerbound nodes 329665550 nps 2270595 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 145189 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 380 lowerbound nodes 349779362 nps 2283691 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 153164 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 391 lowerbound nodes 368427070 nps 2294580 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 160564 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 406 lowerbound nodes 384455282 nps 2303893 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 166872 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 427 lowerbound nodes 401879254 nps 2313493 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 173711 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 456 lowerbound nodes 423160647 nps 2322468 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 182203 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 493 lowerbound nodes 450425714 nps 2333388 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 193035 pv d7d4
info depth 35 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 35 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 2
info depth 35 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 494 nodes 487934016 nps 2341704 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 208367 pv d7d4 c3d4 b7b6 g7f7 g5g4 f7e7 g4g3 e7e1 g3g2 a2a3 f4f3 e1a1 f3f2 a1a2 f2g3 a2a1 g3f3 a1c1 f3f2 d4e5 f5d3 e5f4 d3f1 c1c2 f2e1 c2g2 f1g2 b3b4 e1d2 b4b5 a6b5 c4b5 d2c3 f4e5 c3c4 e5d6 c4b5 d6e5 b5a4 e5f6 g2e4 f6e5 e4d3 e5d4 d3f5
info depth 36 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 36 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 502 lowerbound nodes 525288556 nps 2343678 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 224130 pv d7d4
info depth 36 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 36 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 509 lowerbound nodes 542599325 nps 2348172 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 231073 pv d7d4
info depth 36 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 36 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 520 lowerbound nodes 558774959 nps 2354223 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 237350 pv d7d4
info depth 36 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 36 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 535 lowerbound nodes 577438276 nps 2360156 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 244661 pv d7d4
info depth 36 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 36 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 556 lowerbound nodes 618718229 nps 2370458 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 261012 pv d7d4
info depth 36 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 36 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 2
info depth 36 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 554 nodes 651889437 nps 2375032 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 274476 pv d7d4 c3d4 b7b6 d4c3 f4e3 g7e7 f5e4 a2a4 g5g4 a4a5 b6a5 e7e5 g4g3 e5a5 g3g2 a5a1 e4d3 a1g1 d3f1 c4c5 e3f2 c5c6 f2g1 c6c7 g1h2 c7c8q g2g1q c8h8 f1h3 c3b4 g1e1 b4c5 e1a5 c5c4 a5c7 c4b4 h2g3 h8f6 c7f4 f6f4 g3f4 b4a5 h3f1 b3b4 g6g5
info depth 37 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 37 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 562 lowerbound nodes 696939826 nps 2376460 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 293268 pv d7d4
info depth 37 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 37 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 569 lowerbound nodes 721831626 nps 2380334 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 303248 pv d7d4
info depth 37 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 37 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 580 lowerbound nodes 749265921 nps 2384458 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 314229 pv d7d4
info depth 37 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 37 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 2
info depth 37 currmove f5g4 currmovenumber 14
info depth 37 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 585 nodes 804652170 nps 2390138 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 336655 pv d7d4 c3d4 b7b6 d4c3 f4e3 g7e7 f5e4 e7f7 g5g4 f7f1 g4g3 f1e1 e3f3 e1d1 g3g2 c3d4 e4f5 d4e5 f3e3 d1g1 e3f2 g1c1 f5d3 e5f4 d3f1 c1c2 f1e2 c2c1 e2d3 a2a3 d3f1 c1c2 f2e1 c2g2 f1g2 f4g3 g2c6 g3f4 e1d2 b3b4 d2c3 c4c5 b6c5 b4c5 c3c4 f4g5 c4c5 g5g6 c5c4 g6f6 a6a5 f6e5 a5a4 e5d6 c4b3 d6c5 c6g2
info depth 38 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 38 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 592 lowerbound nodes 877202706 nps 2393609 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 366477 pv d7d4
info depth 38 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 38 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 599 lowerbound nodes 938796525 nps 2400136 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 391143 pv d7d4
info depth 38 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 38 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 610 lowerbound nodes 1005387697 nps 2406362 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 417804 pv d7d4
info depth 38 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 38 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 625 lowerbound nodes 1079491386 nps 2410386 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 447850 pv d7d4
info depth 38 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 38 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 2
info depth 38 currmove f5g4 currmovenumber 6
info depth 38 currmove f4e4 currmovenumber 14
info depth 38 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 625 nodes 1127623770 nps 2408340 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 468216 pv d7d4 c3d4 b7b6 d4c3 f4e3 g7e7 f5e4 a2a4 g5g4 a4a5 b6a5 e7e5 g4g3 e5a5 g3g2 a5a1 e4d3 a1g1 d3f1 c4c5 e3f2 c5c6 f2g1 c6c7 g1h2 c7c8q g2g1q c8h8 f1h3 c3b4 g1e1 b4c5 e1a5 c5d6 a5b6 d6d5 b6b3 d5c6 g6g5 h8e5 b3g3 e5d4 g3f4 d4b2 h3g2 c6d7 g5g4 b2h8 h2g3 h8c3 g3h4 c3h8 h4g5 h8g7 g5f5
info depth 39 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 39 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 632 lowerbound nodes 1219764784 nps 2407086 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 506739 pv d7d4
info depth 39 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 39 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 639 lowerbound nodes 1282342993 nps 2409345 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 532237 pv d7d4
info depth 39 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 39 seldepth 72 multipv 1 score cp 650 lowerbound nodes 1389784411 nps 2412841 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 575995 pv d7d4
info depth 39 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 39 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 666 lowerbound nodes 1500684624 nps 2415402 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 621298 pv d7d4
info depth 39 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 39 currmove d7g7 currmovenumber 2
info depth 39 currmove d7e7 currmovenumber 6
info depth 39 currmove d7d5 currmovenumber 8
info depth 39 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 666 nodes 1581884612 nps 2413764 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 655360 pv d7d4 c3d4 b7b6 d4c3 f4e3 g7e7 f5e4 e7f7 g5g4 f7f1 g4g3 f1e1 e3f3 e1f1 f3e2 f1c1 g3g2 c3d4 e4f5 d4e5 e2f2 b3b4 g2g1q c1g1 f2g1 e5f4 g1f2 c4c5 b6c5 b4c5 f5d7 a2a3 f2e2 f4g5 d7f5 g5f4 e2f2 c5c6 f2e2 f4e5 e2f3 c6c7 f3g4 e5f6 g6g5 f6e5 f5c8 e5e4 g4g3 e4d4 g3f2
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 673 lowerbound nodes 1785676485 nps 2407363 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 741756 pv d7d4
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 680 lowerbound nodes 1945900515 nps 2405693 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 808873 pv d7d4
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 691 lowerbound nodes 2144186192 nps 2406964 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 890826 pv d7d4
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 706 lowerbound nodes 2373106810 nps 2407016 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 985912 pv d7d4
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 727 lowerbound nodes 2638445991 nps 2406561 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 1096355 pv d7d4
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 756 lowerbound nodes 2951019593 nps 2405508 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 1226776 pv d7d4
info depth 40 currmove d7d4 currmovenumber 1
info depth 40 seldepth 74 multipv 1 score cp 756 nodes 2963051752 nps 2406041 hashfull 1000 tbhits 0 time 1231505 pv d7d4
bestmove d7d4 ponder c3d4
Parent - - By Reinhold Stibi Date 2016-12-30 15:11
Houdine 5.01 spielt ...Td4:!  mit meinem Xeon X5680 in der Grundeinstellung nach 1:03 Min.; in der Tactical Einstellung (im praktischen Schach immer noch so stark
wie Deep Shredder 13) in 8 Sekunden.

Mit einem wenig schnelleren Computer wird der Lösungszug in Blitzzeittempo gelöst.

Trotzdem hochinteressante Stellung und Danke für die Einstellung.

Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr !
Parent - - By Roland Riener Date 2016-12-30 15:54
Trotzdem hochinteressante Stellung und Danke für die Einstellung

Diese Stellung aus einer Partie Svidler - Karjakin wurde schon im März 2014 von Kurt Utzinger hier im Forum lanciert. Bei Interesse an den damaligen Postings mittels Suche der Fen-Stellung zu finden.
Parent - - By Walter Eigenmann Date 2016-12-30 16:32
Roland Riener schrieb:

Trotzdem hochinteressante Stellung und Danke für die Einstellung

Diese Stellung aus einer Partie Svidler - Karjakin wurde schon im März 2014 von Kurt Utzinger hier im Forum lanciert. Bei Interesse an den damaligen Postings mittels Suche der Fen-Stellung zu finden.

Hoppala - Merci für die Recherche!

Die Hauptsache ist ja: Schweizer Qualität...

Gruss: Walter

Parent - - By Roland Riener Date 2016-12-30 16:57
Oder: "Wer hat's erfunden? Die Schweizer!"
Parent - By Peter Martan Date 2016-12-31 06:42

Danke an Walter und guten Rutsch auch an Alle!
Parent - - By Michael Scheidl Date 2016-12-30 19:27
Gibt es eine Garantie daß 64...Txg7 nur remis wird?

P.S. Das ist eine reine Rechenstellung. Von Strategie keine Spur.
Parent - By Walter Eigenmann Date 2016-12-30 20:05
Michael Scheidl schrieb:

Gibt es eine Garantie daß 64...Txg7 nur remis wird?

Ich habe keinen Gewinnweg nach Txg7 gefunden, siehe hier:

Wenn du einen kennst: wir sind gespannt...

Michael Scheidl schrieb:

P.S. Das ist eine reine Rechenstellung. Von Strategie keine Spur.

Nur weil man den Gewinnweg nach Txd4 rechnerisch nachweisen kann,
heisst das nicht, dass er nicht strategischer Natur ist. Strategie ist nicht nur das,
was die Rechner unmöglich (oder fast nicht) berechnen können... Andernfalls verbanne man
den Begriff überhaupt aus dem (Computer-)Schach - was man IMO diskutieren könnte...

Parent - - By Peter Unger Date 2016-12-30 21:00
was Walter Eigenmann in seinem Link nachweist, wird von Peter Heine Nielsen und Victorija Cmilyte so kommentiert: "would just lead to a drawn opposite-coloured bishop ending, as when Black's king is on g2, White's stands on e1, and, as soon as Black pushes ...g3, White answers Be5! and there is no way for the black pawns to progress without White setting up a perfect blockade."
Parent - - By Walter Eigenmann Date 2016-12-30 22:18
Peter Unger schrieb:

was Walter Eigenmann in seinem Link nachweist, wird von Peter Heine Nielsen und Victorija Cmilyte so kommentiert: "would just lead to a drawn opposite-coloured bishop ending, as when Black's king is on g2, White's stands on e1, and, as soon as Black pushes ...g3, White answers Be5! and there is no way for the black pawns to progress without White setting up a perfect blockade."

Dank für die grossmeisterliche Unterstützung

Könntest du noch die genaue Quelle des Zitats nennen?

Gruss: Walter

Parent - By Peter Unger Date 2017-01-01 23:56
Der Kommentar ist aus: Chess Informant 120 Maracana-edition:
"GM Heine Peter Nielsen was not only Magnus Carlsen’s second in last year’s world championship contest but also had formerly served as trainer to Vishy Anand! So who better to present an overview of the recent Candidates tournament in which the Tiger from Madras, against expectations, earned the right to a return title match against Carlsen later this year. His wife GM Viktoria Cmilyte serves as co-writer and adds further colour to the report. "

[Event "Khanty-Mansiysk (ct)"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2014.??.??"]
[Round "8"]
[White "Svidler, Peter"]
[Black "Karjakin, Sergey"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C00"]
[WhiteElo "2758"]
[BlackElo "2766"]
[Annotator "Nielsen,Peter Heine; Cmilyte,Viktorija"]
[SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/1p1r2R1/p5p1/5bp1/2PB1k2/1PK5/P7/8 b - - 0 64"]
[PlyCount "37"]
[EventDate "2014.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2013.08.07"]

{Diagramm [#] Black to move. What was his surprise continuation? [For a while
things looked rather grim for Karjakin. Svidler had obtained a promising
initiative for the sacrificed pawn, but Sergei defended stubbornly and took
his chances in the mutual time-pressure with a very strong 40th move. However,
most impressive of all was the following decision, when it already looked like
Svidler had found a good way to defend.]} 64... Rxd4 $1 (64... Rxg7 $2 65. Bxg7
g4 66. Kd2 $1 {would just lead to a drawn opposite-coloured bishop ending, as
when Black/^s king is on g2, White/^s stands on e1, and, as soon as Black
pushes ...g3, White answers Be5! and there is no way for the black pawns to
progress without White setting up a perfect blockade.}) 65. Kxd4 {Diagramm [#]
Black to play. Be precise with your next move!} b6 $3 ({This is the real gem!}
65... g4 66. Rxb7 g3 67. Re7 g2 68. Re1 {is similar to the game, but a much
better version for White where his counterplay is just in time.}) 66. Kc3 {
Diagram [#]} (66. Rb7 g4 67. Rxb6 g3 {is one important difference as with e6
being protected by the black bishop, White simply will not be in time to stop
the g-pawn from queening.}) 66... Ke3 $1 {[Another precise move. By
shouldering the king, Black blocks him from reaching e1 and White has no good
way to stop the g-pawn.]} 67. Rb7 g4 68. Rxb6 g3 69. Rd6 g2 70. Rd1 {Diagram
[#] [The position is similar to the line after 65...g4, but here the white
king is forced back to c3, which makes a decisive difference in the upcoming
race.]} g5 71. b4 Kf2 72. a4 g1=Q 73. Rxg1 Kxg1 74. b5 axb5 75. axb5 g4 76. c5
g3 77. c6 g2 $5 (77... Be4 {would be a much more <->human/^ way of stopping
the white pawns, but despite being low on time Karjakin had calculated the
resulting queen-endgame very precisely.}) 78. b6 Kf2 79. b7 g1=Q 80. b8=Q Qc1+
81. Kd4 {Diagramm [#] Black to move. What tactics can he employ to clinch the
win?} Qe3+ $1 82. Kc4 (82. Kd5 Be6+ 83. Kd6 Qf4+ 84. Kxe6 Qxb8 85. Kd7 Qb5 $1 {
stops the c-pawn from advancing, and thus wins easily.}) 82... Be6+ {[Forcing
the white king to the b-file, where 83...Qb3 picks up the white queen. Svidler
resigned.] In the next round, against Kramnik, Karjakin exploited an early
blunder by his opponent to win a couple of pawns and, with two wins in a row,
from being an outsider he suddenly had a realistic chance of fighting for one
of the top places. The 9th round was crucial for Anand/^s lead. While his two
closest rivals, Aronian and Kramnik, lost, Vishy managed to win an important
game against Topalov, which gave him a 1 point lead over Aronian and at least
11/2 points over the rest of the field.} 0-1
Parent - By Michael Scheidl Date 2016-12-30 23:03
Ja, bin überzeugt. Sensationell gut von Karjakin gespielt! Inzwischen leuchtet mir auch das sozusagen strategische Element (oder das positionelle, oder wie immer man es nennen will) ein. Aber Engines sind hier auf jeden Fall auf Berechnung angewiesen, denn ein etwaiger Penalty für ungleichfarbige Läufer wird sicherlich viel geringer sein als eine Qualität.

Ich mit Schwarz hätte mich vermutlich nicht getraut Txe4 zu spielen.

P.S. Sehe gerade, die Stellung hatten wir im Forum schon und offenbar spielt der Oldie "Der Bringer" das Opfer auch bald. Nette Sache.
Parent - By Ludwig Buergin Date 2016-12-31 10:37
Stockfish gewinnt mit Txd4.

   Gruß Ludwig
Parent - - By Kurt Utzinger Date 2016-12-31 10:49
... auch Critter 1.6a 64-bit ohne Tablebases auf MacOS unter Scid vs PC findet die Lösung:


1 [-0.40]  64.... b5 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.cxb5 axb5  (0.00)
1 [-0.67]  64.... g4 65.Rxd7 Bxd7  (0.00)
3 [-0.78]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4  (0.01)
4 [-0.68]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd4  (0.01)
5 [-0.75]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd4 g3 67.Be5+ Kf3  (0.01)
5 [-0.86]  64.... g4 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.Kd3 g3  (0.01)
6 [-0.88]  64.... g4 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.Kd3 g3 67.Ke2 Bg4+ 68.Kf1  (0.01)
6 [-0.98]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 g5  (0.01)
7 [-1.01]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Bg4+ 68.Kf1 Kf3  (0.01)
8 [-0.92]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Bg4+ 68.Kf1 Bf3 69.Bd4  (0.01)
9 [-0.98]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.Ke1 g3 68.Kf1 Bd3+ 69.Kg1 a5  (0.01)
10 [-0.91]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 Kf3 67.Ke1 g3 68.Kf1 b5 69.c5 a5  (0.02)
10 [-0.95]  64.... g4 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Ke4 68.Bb6 Bg4+ 69.Kf1 Kf3 70.Bc7  (0.03)
11 [-0.96]  64.... g4 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.Kd2 Ke4 67.Bb6 Kf3 68.Ke1 g3 69.Kf1 Bf5 70.Kg1  (0.04)
11 [-1.01]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 g3 67.c6 bxc6 68.Kd2 g2 69.Bd4 Kf3 70.Bg1  (0.06)
12 [-1.11]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Bd7 67.Bd4 g3 68.a4 Kf3 69.a5 g2 70.b4 Bb5  (0.08)
13 [-1.09]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Be4 67.b4 g3 68.Bd4 Kf3 69.Bg1 g5 70.Kd4 g4 71.Be3 g2  (0.12)
15 [-1.12]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Kf3 67.c6 bxc6 68.Bd4 g3 69.Kd2 c5 70.Bxc5 g2 71.Ke1 g5 72.Bg1  (0.47)
16 [-1.11]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Kf3 67.c6 bxc6 68.Kd2 g3 69.Ke1 g2 70.Bd4 c5 71.Bxc5 g5 72.Bg1 Bb1  (0.60)
17 [-1.16]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Kf3 67.c6 bxc6 68.Kd2 g3 69.Ke1 g2 70.Bd4 c5 71.Bxc5 g5 72.Bd4 g4 73.Bg1  (0.91)
18 [-1.15]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Kf3 67.c6 bxc6 68.Kd2 g3 69.Ke1 g2 70.Bd4 c5 71.Bxc5 g5 72.Bd4 g4 73.Bg1 Bb1  (1.27)
19 [-1.15]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.c5 Kf3 67.Kd2 g3 68.c6 bxc6 69.Ke1 g2 70.Bd4 c5 71.Bxc5 g5 72.b4 g4 73.a3 g3 74.Bg1  (1.89)
20 [-1.15]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Bb1 68.a3 Ba2 69.c5 Bxb3 70.Kf1 Bd5 71.Bf8 g5 72.Kg1 Bc6 73.Bd6+ Kf3 74.Bc7 g4 75.Be5  (15.35)
21 [-1.15]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Bb1 68.a3 Ba2 69.c5 Bxb3 70.Kf1 Bd5 71.Bf8 g5 72.Kg1 Kf3 73.Bd6 Bc6 74.Bc7 g4 75.Be5  (18.37)
22 [-1.15]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Bb1 68.a3 Ba2 69.c5 Bxb3 70.Kf1 Bd5 71.Bf8 g5 72.Kg1 Kf3 73.Bd6 Bb3 74.Be5 Ba4 75.Kf1 g4  (23.39)
23 [-1.16]  64.... Rxg7 65.Bxg7 g4 66.Kd2 g3 67.Ke2 Bb1 68.a3 Ba2 69.c5 Bxb3 70.Kf1 Kf3 71.Bc3 g5 72.Kg1 g4 73.Be5 Bc4 74.Bb8 Bf7 75.a4 Bb3 76.a5  (28.84)
23 [-1.40]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4  (35.00)
23 [-0.97]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rf7 g4 69.Rf1 Ke2 70.Rc1 g3 71.Kd4 Bf5 72.b4 g2 73.c5 bxc5+ 74.bxc5 Kf2 75.c6 g1=Q 76.Rxg1 Kxg1 77.c7  (39.51)
23 [-1.11]  64.... Kf3 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.Kd2 Bh3 67.Ke1 g4 68.Bb6 g3 69.c5 g2 70.c6 bxc6 71.b4 g5 72.Bg1 Bd7 73.Kd2 c5 74.bxc5 g4 75.Kd3 g3 76.Be3  (70.83)
24 [-1.12]  64.... Kf3 65.Rxd7 Bxd7 66.Kd2 Bh3 67.Ke1 g4 68.b4 g3 69.b5 axb5 70.cxb5 g2 71.a3 Bd7 72.a4 g5 73.Bg1 g4 74.Kd2 g3 75.Ke1 Ke4 76.Kd2 Bg4 77.Ke1  (76.65)
24 [-1.36]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4  (94.39)
24 [-1.45]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rf7 g4 69.Rf1 Ke2 70.Rc1 Bf5 71.b4 g3 72.c5 bxc5 73.bxc5 Kf2 74.Kd4 g2 75.Ke5 g1=Q 76.Rxg1 Kxg1 77.c6 Kf2 78.c7 Ke3  (94.79)
25 [-1.45]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rf7 g4 69.Rf1 Ke2 70.Rc1 Bf5 71.b4 g3 72.c5 bxc5 73.bxc5 Kf2 74.Kd4 g2 75.Ke5 g1=Q 76.Rxg1 Kxg1 77.c6 Kf2 78.c7 Ke3 79.Kf6  (108.92)
26 [-1.58]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Kc3 Ke3 67.Re7+ Be4 68.Rf7 g4 69.Rf1 Ke2 70.Rc1 Bf5 71.b4 g3 72.c5 bxc5 73.bxc5 Kf2 74.Kd4 g2 75.Ke5 g1=Q 76.Rxg1 Kxg1 77.c6 Kf2 78.Kf4 a5 79.c7 Be6  (129.72)
27 [-1.83]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4  (189.84)
27 [-2.04]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Re7 g4 67.Re1 Kf3 68.b4 g3 69.Rf1+ Ke2 70.Rc1 g2 71.Ke5 Kf2 72.c5 b5 73.Kf4 g1=Q 74.Rxg1 Kxg1 75.c6 Kf1 76.c7 Ke2 77.a3 Kd3 78.Ke5 Kc4 79.Kd6 g5  (260.66)
28 [-2.29]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4  (292.57)
28 [-3.42]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Re7 g4 67.Re1 Kf3 68.b4 g3 69.Rf1+ Ke2 70.Rc1 g2 71.Ke5 Kf2 72.c5 b5 73.Kf4 g1=Q 74.Rxg1 Kxg1 75.c6 Kf2 76.c7 Ke2 77.a3 Kf2 78.Ke5 Ke3 79.Kf6 Kf4 80.c8=N Bxc8 81.Kxg6  (434.56)
28 [-3.42]  64.... Rxd4 65.Kxd4 b6 66.Re7 g4 67.Re1 Kf3 68.b4 g3 69.Rf1+ Ke2 70.Rc1 g2 71.Ke5 Kf2 72.c5 b5 73.Kf4 g1=Q 74.Rxg1 Kxg1 75.c6 Kf2 76.c
Parent - By Reinhold Stibi Date 2017-01-02 08:08
Respekt an die Altmeister Spark und Deep Junior  Yokohama  die ...Td4:!  auf Xeon X5680  in Rekordzeit von 6 Sekunden spielen !!

Zappa Mexico  in 36 Sekunden !!

Texel 1.06  in  19 Sek.
- - By Guenter Stertenbrink Date 2017-01-02 20:21
da faellt mir ein :

Klaus Bischoff vs Guenter Stertenbrink
Bundesliga 8687 (1986)  ·  Sicilian Defense: Hyperaccelerated Dragon (B27)  ·  0-1

nach 55...g5

Weiss am Zug , welcher Zug haelt remis ?
Klaus Bischoff hat's nicht gesehen und ich auch nicht,
hatte ich doch noch mit Bodo Schmidt gewettet, ( Porz spielte parallel
und lauerte auf einen Ausrutscher der Bayern)
Parent - By Peter Martan Date 2017-01-02 21:47 Edited 2017-01-02 21:52
Guenter Stertenbrink schrieb:

Weiss am Zug , welcher Zug haelt remis ?

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