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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / SCCT - Blitz Rating List 2015
- - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-13 18:18 Upvotes 1

Hello Chess Friends !)

I've just published my newest blitz rating list:

Note that,
I merged also the ponder on games, played in my previous 1 core blitz competitions
For examples: games from scratch; open-source ratings etc...too

Note also that,
The current competition is still active...I plan to work a little bit more over this project

Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-13 18:32
BTW, here is another new tournament with rapid time control:
Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2015-01-14 15:20
Interesting, that you played short times
and that there was Komodo in front of stockfish.
I think this happens not very often.

What do you think: what ist the relationship between Komodo 8 and your Komodo 1318?
Has Komodo 1318 perhaps a larger improvement?

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-15 14:25
Benno Hartwig schrieb:

Interesting, that you played short times
and that there was Komodo in front of stockfish.
I think this happens not very often.

What do you think: what ist the relationship between Komodo 8 and your Komodo 1318?
Has Komodo 1318 perhaps a larger improvement?


Not at all...its my pleasure )

In my opinion,
Komodo 1318 seems to be stronger than Komodo 8
And probably minus plus at similar strength as the latest releases of Stockfish

Actually I am not much surprised that Komodo 1318 is again on top
Just I'd like to mention that the same Komodo version won SCCT (60m+15s)  Gladiators 2014:

Parent - - By Krug Peter Date 2015-01-28 23:53

Stockfish eine nichtkommerzielle Engines an der Spitze! Zwar nichts neues, aber es bringt zum Nachdenken.

Es macht für mich den Eindruck, dass die Rybkaentwicklung samt der Clonegeschichte die kommerzielle Seite des
Computerschachs nachhältig "kaputt" gemacht hat.

Traditionelle Engines wie Shredder, Fritz, Hiarcs haben aufgegeben.

Trotzdem geht die Entwicklung weiter dank weniger Enthuisasten, die ihre Zeit dafür opfern. Natürlich erfreulich.

Als Houdini Fan tut es mir weh, dass es keine neue Version (Houdini 5) mehr gibt.
Sieht so aus, dass Robert Houdart auch das Handtuch geworfen hat ...?!  ... ...; ich hoffe ich habe mich geirrt.

Es gibt hier noch wenige Tester von Schachprogrammen und Listenhersteller, wie GEGT beispielsweise.
Solche Listen mit den jeweiligen Rangplätzen der Engines wird heutzutage möglicherweise einer der Hauptantriebsfeder sein, noch
an einer Engine weiter zu arbeiten.

Aber das Interesse für eine solche Weiterentwicklung wird sich nur auf wenige Begeisterte beschränken, sowie natürlich die Gruppe der Fernschachspieler.

Für Analysen auf moderner Hardware reicht meist schon Houdini 2. Somit dürften wohl die meisten Schachspieler spätestens mit Houdini 2 voll zu frieden sein.
Da der Bedarf also für die meisten erstmal gedeckt ist, wird das Interesse an Computerschach weiterhin schrumpfen.

Gruß Peter
Parent - By Timo Haupt Date 2015-01-29 09:42
Krug Peter schrieb:


Stockfish eine nichtkommerzielle Engines an der Spitze! Zwar nichts neues, aber es bringt zum Nachdenken.

Es macht für mich den Eindruck, dass die Rybkaentwicklung samt der Clonegeschichte die kommerzielle Seite des
Computerschachs nachhältig "kaputt" gemacht hat.

Traditionelle Engines wie Shredder, Fritz, Hiarcs haben aufgegeben.

Totgesagte leben länger. Zwar hat man jetzt schon längere Zeit von geplanten Neuauflagen dieser Engines nichts mehr gehört, doch wenn ich drauf wetten könnte, würde ich zumindest für 2 von den 3 auf eine Fortsetzung in diesem Jahr setzen...
Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2015-01-30 13:09

> Traditionelle Engines wie Shredder, Fritz, Hiarcs haben aufgegeben.

Zu jeder Zeit hat es Entwickler gegeben, die aufhörten.
Das Aufkommen legaler und "illegaler" superstarker Freeware-Engines mag dies dann verstärken.

Damals, als Rybka noch nicht unter Verdacht stand, als Rybka 3 alles weit hinter sich auf Distanz brachte, hatte ich auch schon den Eindruck, dass manch anderer aufgab.

Wie wirkte es damals, als die diversen Lang-Programme auf den modular-Rechnern liefen, innovativ 16/32bit-unterstützt?
Warf da nicht auch schon mancher das Handtuch?

Die Löwen machen eben den kleineren Tieren das Leben schwer.

Parent - - By Peter Martan Date 2015-01-31 10:52
Benno Hartwig schrieb:

Die Löwen machen eben den kleineren Tieren das Leben schwer.

Genau genommen sind es eher gleich große bis leicht größere Tiere, denen sie das Leben so richtig schwer bzw. kurz machen, die Löwen.
Hasen und Heuschrecken jagen Löwen nur, wenn sich absolut kein Zebra in der Nähe findet, sonst sagt eher der Löwe Abraham zum Löwen Bebraham, kann ich mal dein Zebra ham (ham)?
Parent - By Benno Hartwig Date 2015-01-31 13:22 Edited 2015-01-31 13:38

> sonst sagt eher der Löwe Abraham zum Löwen Bebraham, kann ich mal dein Zebra ham (ham)?

"...aber bitte ein altes, krankes, verletztes, lahmes oder noch sehr junges Zebra.
Die Jagd nach großen sportlichen, gesunden, wachen Zebras ist doch ziemlich gefährlich.
Das Zebra gewinnt viel, wenn es sich bei seinen Verteidigungsbemühungen wenigstens eine Chance erkämpft.
Wenn aber auch nur jedes 20. verteidigungsbereite Zebra meinen Kopf mit seinen auskeilenden Hufen erwischt, werde ich nicht sehr alt werden.
Darum: gebt mir doch bitte lieber ein altes, krankes, verletztes, lahmes oder noch sehr junges Zebra."

Leo Und man beachte die ramponierten Kollegen in der zweiten Hälfte des Klips.
(gar nicht so königlich)
Und mutig wird aber ggf. doch auch mal ein Büffel angegriffen, und passieren kann dann aber auch
wenn das angedachte Mittagessen eben nicht alt, lahm oder krank genug ist.
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-21 19:02
Last Updates:
Cheng4 0.38 x64 (+116 Elo over Cheng4 0.36 x64)
Stockfish 110115 x64 (+24 Elo over Stockfish 221214 x64)

Great improvement!! Well-done to both chess engine creators !

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

More details about the current competition:
- No double games
- No games up to 15 moves
- No games lost on time

In other words,
The rating database is quite clean... !)

But however,
I plan to publish separately the lost games on time (maybe they will be useful for the next engine releases)

Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-24 21:17
Hello There,

Last Updates:
Android engines (as 1 core + ponder on) played on my Samsung Galaxy S4:
DiscoCheck 5.2.1 Droid
Gaviota 1.0 Droid
Komodo 8 Droid
Texel 1.05a8 Droid
Senpai 1.0 Droid
Stockfish 121014 Droid

For Android engine rankings:

Soon more games will be added...

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-24 21:17
I've just checked more carefully the time losses played in my current rating list

And here are the chess engines, which frequently lose on time:

Note: Lower Better !

Komodo 1318 x64: 119 loses on time
Djinn 1.008 x64: 92 loses on time
Phalanx XXIII JA: 75 loses on time
Fire 4 x64: 58 loses on time
Spark 1.0 x64: 57 loses on time
Spike 1.4: 36 loses on time
Stockfish 110115 x64: 35 loses on time
Chiron x64: 35 loses on time
RedQueen 1.0.0 x64: 31 loses on time
Senpai 1.0 x64: 29 loses on time
Zappa Mexico II x64: 28 loses on time
Dirty 25082011 x64: 28 loses on time
Octochess r5132 JA x64: 27 loses on time
NirvanaChess 2.0 x64: 26 loses on time
Francesca MAD 0.19: 26 loses on time
Stockfish 221214 x64: 25 loses on time
DiscoCheck 5.2 x64: 24 loses on time
Glass 2 x64: 24 loses on time
Glaurung 2.2 x64: 22 loses on time
Gull 3 x64: 15 loses on time
Booot 5.1.0: 15 loses on time
Hannibal 1.4b x64: 11 loses on time
Yace 0.99.87: 11 loses on time
iCE 1.0 v1619 x64: 10 loses on time

Note also that I did not include those time losses in the current Elo calculation
Otherwise, the standings would be quite different ...
Then Houdini 4 would be rated as 1st or 2nd )!

And I hope we will see less time forfeits in the next new engine releases )!

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-26 11:09
Last Updates:
Arasan 17.5 x64 (approx. +60 Elo over v 17.2)
Texel 1.05 x64 (approx. +40 Elo over v 1.04)

Great...and well-done to both engine programmers !)

For Current Standings:

And since a few days,
I switched again to fisher time control (3min+1sec)

Note also that,
This time I decided to include all games, which were lost on time...
Because I don't want to lose the traditionality of my rules )!
And now the standings are slightly changed...
Just one example: Stockfish 210614 x64 is rated better than Stockfish 221214 x64
Normally without calculating the time losses, Stockfish 221214 x64 was approx. 10 Elo stronger...
But what a pitty this issue happened due to Stockfish 221214 x64 has many games lost on time

But however,
I think this is the right way, otherwise the programmers will never see their mistakes )!

Komodo 1318 x64 is removed from current participation, because it's a private engine...
In other words, I plan to test only the public versions in the current competition
And I already started testing Komodo 8 x64 ...

Parent - By Eischer Date 2015-01-26 12:27
Very good decision! Excluding time-looses motivates the programmers to apply a very risky time-managment.
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-28 17:34
Last Updates:
Hakkapeliitta 2.0 x64
Komodo 8 x64
Myrddin 0.87 x64
Stockfish 6 x64

For Current Standings:

Have Fun,
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-30 12:16
Last Updates:
Stockfish 6 ARM
Phalanx XXIV
Texel 1.05 ARM

SCCT has a new Leader: Stockfish 6 - My BIG Congratulations to Stockfish team !

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

Note that since today,
Android engine names are changed from Droid to ARM

A few details more about the current chess engine participants:
-CM9 Natalie 2319 = A Chessmaster 9000's personality called 'Natalie' which is rated at 2319 Elo
-Rybka 4.1 WP x64 = Rybka is played without full pawn (- 205 Elo weaker than default) !
-Houdini 2.0c Kayra2 x64 = Very strong setting by Mehmet Karaman (+ 28 Elo stronger than default) !


Yes...once more we noticed that X engine can be improved to play stronger than default )!

Let me say a few words for the below Top chess engines:
Stockfish, Komodo, Houdini, Rybka, Fruit, Shredder etc...
Do you know why the mentioned Top engines are/were as LEADERS (during 2000 - 2015)?
I think the answer of this question can be found in my saying:
-You can not be on Top by the work of others !)

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-30 12:44
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-01-31 09:28 Edited 2015-01-31 09:42
SCCT' Breaking News,
I started testing some android chess engines too...

So for less injustice to both chess engine teams,
I've desided to edit the real names...because the original strong ideas are not so cheap !)

And here are the newest names:
RybaLito ARM (Robbolito 0085g3=based mainly on Rybka 3's ideas)
HoudiCrit ARM (Critter 1.6a=based mainly on Houdini 1.5a's ideas)

Note also that(for the future),
X Top chess engine, which is approx. +55% similarity with similar Elo performance
That engine's name can be edited too (in case of testing under SCCT conditions)

Thanks for your understanding!

BTW once more I'd like to mention,
1)Mehmet Karaman (plus a few settings creators more) managed Houdini to play stronger
But no anyone of these seting creators released Houdini engine with different name/s

2)MindBreaker is another setting expert, who managed to make Rybka to play stronger too
And again he did not release Rybka with different name/s

3)Many chess friends (including Me) managed to create successful Chessmaster settings
Which mostly of those settings were approx. min 20-30 Elo stronger than default...
And nobody of us, released TheKing engine with different name...

Please note that too, if anyone can manage to create X engine (based on Stockfish 6)
Which will be e.g min +50 Elo stronger than Stockfish 6....
Then with a BIG pleasure I can test it too and I promise to not edit the name... )!
Because, this engine will include own new very strong ideas as well...
Because, a such data is still not available...
Because, I love the Top things, which are based on own ideas... !)

In other words,
- It is well for the heart to be naive and the mind not to be!

Best Regards,
Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-01 14:54
Hello Chess Friends,

Nowadays is popular to discuss about the sizes of chess engines ))

That's why I decided,
To check some of the engines, which mostly of them already participated in SCCT

To be honest,
Size formats are not much important...
I care more about originality, stability, and + Elo performance of course )!

But however, here are the smallest ones,
Note that the list includes engines, which are less than 200 KB:

Hakkapeliitta 2.0 x64 = 26 KB = 2767 Elo
Elf 1.3 = 33 KB = ??? Elo
Counter 1.2 = 47 KB = ??? Elo
Vice 1.0 = 72 KB = ??? Elo
Mskcp 1.45 JA  = 81 KB = ??? Elo
Milady 325 = 94 KB = ??? Elo
Requiem 0.53 = 96 KB = ??? Elo
Rodent 1.6 x64 = 96 KB = 2842 Elo
Uralochka 1.1b = 101 KB = 2245 Elo
Diablo 0.51 = 101 KB = ??? Elo
Anatoli 0.35k = 112 KB = 2485 Elo
Nemo 1.01b x64 = 115 KB = 2911 Elo
Sungorus 1.4 x64 = 118 KB = ??? Elo
ChessMaster 9000 = 131 KB = 2664 Elo
Atlas 3.70em = 149 KB = ??? Elo
Scorpio 2.77 x64 = 149 KB = 2863 Elo
Fizbo 1.31 x64 = 160 KB = 2863 Elo
Gull 1.2 x64 = 162 KB = 3023 Elo
Amateur 2.82 = 165 KB = 2369 Elo
DisasterArea 1.54 x64 = 176 KB = 2906 Elo
Frenzee v3.5.19 x64 = 188 KB = 2806 Elo
Adam 3.3 = 190 KB = 2256 Elo

1)Hakkapeliitta 2.0 is the smallest one - My Congratulations to Mikko Aarnos (Finland)
Really impressive...24 KB, this is a World record, if we check originality + size + Elo

2)Elf 1.3 is another very tiny one, created by Erdi Ata Bleda (Turkey)

3)Counter 1.2 is very small too, created by Vadim Chizhov (Russia)

Also I decided to check some well-known IPPO (Rybkanians) ones:
Note: Rybka 3 x64 = 2.875 KB, released date: 29.07.2008
The first Ippolit version is appeared on the scene: May 2009
For example, Ippolit 0080c is 268 KB, released date: 21.10.2009

Thinker 5.4D x64 = 78 KB = ??? Elo
Houdini 1.0 x64 = 271 KB = ??? Elo
RobboLito 009 x64 = 287 KB = ??? Elo
Strelka 5.7 x64 = 287 KB = ??? Elo
Bouquet 1.8 x64 = 447 KB = ??? Elo
Gull R600 x64 = 458 KB = ??? Elo
IvanHoe 999946h6 x64 = 492 KB = ??? Elo
Fire 3.0 x64 = 504 KB = ??? Elo
Critter 1.6a x64 = 546 KB = ??? Elo
Elektro 1.2 x64 = 576 KB = ??? Elo
Naum 4.2 x64 = 658 KB = ??? Elo
DeepSaros eXp x64 = 666 KB = ??? Elo
BlackMamba 1.4 x64 = 887 KB = ??? Elo
Equinox 3.30 x64= 3.882 KB = ??? Elo

Continuing, let me say a few words about these issues...
I am surprised that Thinker is the smallest Ippo one, just 78 KB !! very small size indeed...
And well-done to Thinker's author, this is another talent and record... !)
For example, Thinker seems to the World's strongest engine, if we check the sizes + Elo

And here is Houdini 1.5a vs Critter 1.6a comparing:
Houdini 1.5a x64 = 1.332 KB, released date: 15.10.2011
Critter 1.6a x64 = 546 KB, released date: 26.06.2012
On my Sim testings, I've noticed that both engines are very similar (+60% similarity)
And after checking the rating lists: both engines have almost same Elo performance !)
It seems the author of Critter 1.6a learned/copied a lot from Houdini 1.5a's author !!))
Houdini's author learned/copied a lot from Ippolit's author
But note also that R. Houdart managed to add many Elo points, this is really very important !
Where unfortunately Richard Vida (the author of Critter) could not....!!
Ippolit's author learned/copied from Rybka's author and etc and ets...
But however I should admit also that,
Ippolit's author managed to make his engine to be stronger than Rybka 3 too
Right now I am not sure how much Elo difference exactly...
That's why I started testing Robbolito 0.90 x64 and Rybka 3 x64
The first Ippolit ones are too buggy, that's why I preferred more stable one
And soon I plan to publish the first results....
Please note also that if Robbolito 0.90 will be over than Rybka 3 with +50 Elo
Then I will leave its name as it now (as Robbolito) and if less than 50 Elo,
Then I am afraid that it will be renamed as RybaLito ...
In my eyes, in case of close similarity plus 50 Elo to be over...
Then this engine deserve to be tested under SCCT, and to leave it as original name...

BTW, Fire 4 x64 has the biggest size: 25.257 KB
I wonder, how many engines are inside ?? ))) just joking...
Yes, the latest Fire 4 version seems to be clean, with less than 50 % similarity
Congrats to Norman Schmidt (like Gull 3), Fire 4 is another one, which is already cleaned...
And I hope to see more clean chess engines in the next new releases...
And it will be great if you will be able add some extra Elo points, lets say 50 Elo !)

Please stay tuned...more info coming soon )

Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-01 22:13
Last Updates:
Cheng4 0.38 ARM
HoudiCrit 1.6a ARM
RybaLito 0.90 x64   
Rybka 3 x64   
RybaLito 0.085g3 ARM

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

Yes, Congrats to Robbolito 0.90's author, it's clearly stronger than Rybka 3
And it is not so easy as it looks...
Because in that period of time, Rybka 3 was the World's strongest engine...
But what a pitty that Robbolito 0.90 could not pass +50 Elo to be over Rybka 3
So it is renamed to RybaLito and I hope you like my new edit-name idea )!

Note also that,
Rodent 1.6 ARM and Deuterium v14.3 ARM seems to be buggy ones
Both Android engines oftenly stopped to play....not sure why...

Btw,I am sorry, Hakkapeliitta 2.0 x64 is not 26 KB, for more details:

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-03 13:08
Last Updates:
Hannibal 1.5 x64 far Hannibal 1.5 x64 is doing approx. 20 Elo over v1.4b

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

Btw, I am going to pause (or cancel) the current competition
Due to I plan to resume SCCT (60m+15s) Gladiators:

Note also that this time I plan to include as new participants:
Fire 4 MP
Hannibal 1.5 x64 MP
Stockfish 6 MP
Texel 1.05 MP

I can include Komodo 9 too, but till to this date we need to wait... )!

Best Wishes,
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-16 10:04
Last Updates:
Crafty 24.1 ARM
Deuterium v14.3 ARM
Glaurung 2.2 ARM
PikoSzachy 4
SugaR v5.1 x64

Breaking News:
SCCT has a new Leader: SugaR v5.1 x64 - Well Done to Marco Zerbinati and SF team !

Note also that,
The Elo difference between my used PCs and ARM versions is approx. 200 Elo

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2015-02-16 13:03
In the meantime  we find here SugaR V5.1 at the top of your list, with a small but noticable advance of SugaR!
My own tests with v5.0 also had shown a SugaR-advance.

Do you know a public downlod-link of that Version 5.1?
Has Sugar possibly have an own homepage?

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-16 23:25
Benno Hartwig schrieb:

In the meantime  we find here SugaR V5.1 at the top of your list, with a small but noticable advance of SugaR!
My own tests with v5.0 also had shown a SugaR-advance.

Do you know a public downlod-link of that Version 5.1?
Has Sugar possibly have an own homepage?


Hello Benno,

Sugar test is still active...we need more games for a better conclusion
But however, so far v5.1 is doing very good...

And as far as I know, this version is still not released,
But I will contact Marco about when will be the release date and later will inform you

Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2015-02-17 07:40
Thanx! I'll wait what happens
and if there might be a public version V5.1.

I'll look in which way SugaR will and can be offered, while we have SF coming with it's dev-Versions in a very quick sequence.
Probably SugaR must have much larger periods.

Parent - - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-17 09:52
Benno Hartwig schrieb:

Thanx! I'll wait what happens
and if there might be a public version V5.1.

I'll look in which way SugaR will and can be offered, while we have SF coming with it's dev-Versions in a very quick sequence.
Probably SugaR must have much larger periods.


Not at all

Well, I've just received a message by Marco

In shortly: Sugar x5.1 released date is still not clear...,but it seems Marco is working very hard...
And as far as understand, Marco will release it when there will be clear improvement over v5

Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2015-02-20 17:16
Hello there,

After a lot of discussions during latest days...
Finely I found free time to publish my latest rating list

Yes...SugaR v5.1 x64 is still as NUMBER ONE even after 1000 games !!

I am still shocked,
Is this can be (+24 Elo over Stockfish 6) due to Elo bar margins )?!

SCCT - All Versions:

SCCT - Top 20:

Note also that all games are available for downloading

Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / SCCT - Blitz Rating List 2015

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