Naum 4 against Fritz 11Place | Engine | Author | Country | Points | Single results | 1 | Naum 4 | Aleksandar Naumov | | 27.5/50 | ½1½11010½½-½½0½11111½-1½½001½½1½-0½½½½½½0½½-½½½½½½½½½½ |
2 | Fritz 11 | Frans Morsch | | 22.5/50 | ½0½00101½½-½½1½00000½-0½½110½½0½-1½½½½½½1½½-½½½½½½½½½½ |
50 of
50 matches played.
Naum 4 v/s Fritz 11 (50: + 12,= 31,- 7)
Start of tournament: ......... 2008.12.15, 20:20:02
Town/ Country: .............. Dax, France
Level: ............................ Blitz 40/5' repeated
Hardware: ...................... Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU T2370
Engines: ......................... Naum 4 / Fritz 11
Hash: ............................. 128 MB / 128 MB
GUI: ............................... Fritz 11
OS: ................................ Windows Vista
Ponder OFFNalimov TB ..................... 3+4+5
Book: .............................
Fritz11.ctg, stopped using after 5 moves.
Openings: .......................
25 different openings randomly chosen by GUI,
large mode.
Best regards,