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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / LS Rangliste: Fire (2.2) trap120925
- - By Stefan Pohl Date 2013-02-27 11:31

the result of Fire (compile/version of trap from 12.09.25) is now online. This version was the latest and strongest, I could find. Because the development of Fire has stopped, it will not become a part of the top10-tournament. But perhaps the new engine Firenzina, which is developed (by a new author) from the Fire 2.2 sourcecode? Test is running...and now I got a reference point.


(Perhaps you have to clear your browsercache or reload the website)
Parent - - By Bertil Eklund Date 2013-02-27 21:31

After a few thousand games Fire 2.2 trap are clearly weaker than Fire 2.2 GH. Played on 7 quads and 2 hexas, timecontrol between 5m +1s and 10m +2s.
The only version that is noticeably stronger, is Fire 2.2 SK94z, about +35 elo, after 4000 games with the above conditions.

Parent - By Michael Scheidl Date 2013-02-27 21:54
The only version that is noticeably stronger, is Fire 2.2 SK94z, about +35 elo, after 4000 games with the above conditions.

Im am not surprised, as SK94z was presented here with convincing results:

It seems possible though, that under Stefan Pohl's lightspeed conditions, the improvement does not show.
Parent - By Stefan Pohl Date 2013-02-28 03:35
[quote="Bertil Eklund"]

After a few thousand games Fire 2.2 trap are clearly weaker than Fire 2.2 GH. Played on 7 quads and 2 hexas, timecontrol between 5m +1s and 10m +2s.
The only version that is noticeably stronger, is Fire 2.2 SK94z, about +35 elo, after 4000 games with the above conditions.


In my tests, the finally LS-tested version was clearly the strongest. GH and SK94z are on a level (or below) with Robbolito 0.10, what means around 15 Elo weaker than the trap-version from 120925...

Best - Stefan
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / LS Rangliste: Fire (2.2) trap120925

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