Hello Dear Chess Friends!
The new Champion of SCCT Book Super League I:
Prodigy 12 - Congratulations to Maurice Chac (Indonesia)
My congratulations also for 2nd and 3rd ranks:
Second Place:Blade 5.1 by Jitan Stribal (Japan)
Third Place:Sicilian Finale by Munish Gupta (India)
Disqualified Participants:Rompecoco 2c;Nano 2;Hitman 5.4
For SCCT Book Super League I - Final Standings:
http://www.sedatcanbaz.com/chess/scct-super-league/https://sites.google.com/site/computerschess/tournaments/scct-i-super-leagueNote also that the current TOP 20 books performed and played as real Champions too
Many Thanks to all SCCT SL's Book Authors for your participation and for your efforts of creating newer stronger variations
I am quite sure too that many chess friends will benefit from your Great work
And last, i hope too see you again in the next SCCT Book Tours
Best Regards,
Sedat Canbaz