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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / STS - Piece Specific EPD
- - By Swaminathan N Date 2010-07-09 06:23 Edited 2010-07-09 08:50
Here is the Piece specific EPD's. Moves starting with Bishop are saved in STS-Bishop.epd. Moves with Knight are saved in STS-Knight.epd and so on...

This helps in Piece Value tuning.

Thanks to Mathias Gemuh, the author of BigLion and ChessGUI for creating a tool to sort the EPD's, and BTO7 for the idea.

These files will be updated once the new STS is released.






Parent - - By Peter Martan Date 2010-07-09 07:47 Edited 2010-07-09 07:50
Great idea again, Swami!

Thank you very much for the next step onto tools helping the programmer in a more direct way with testing and tuning different versions of engines and anyhow and anymore not so different engines, we are getting more and more of them more and more quickly.

Guess this will get more and more important, the less engine- engine- matches bring up significant differences in Elo or whatsoever measured with reasonable effort, the more the engines abilities grow to draw against each other starting from balanced 5-moves-books.
Parent - By Swaminathan N Date 2010-07-09 12:38
You're welcome, Peter. Thanks for your appreciations.

Quite a number of programmers have sent me an email to let me know that tuning helped them greatly and made things easier for them. They do sanity check before going through 1000 game gauntlet and that sanity check with STS usually gives them exact knowledge of how well the engine has progressed which is then reaffirmed much later by the gauntlet results. 
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / STS - Piece Specific EPD

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