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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / RobboLito 0.085e4 against Stockfish 1.5.1 JA
- - By Orlando de la Vega Date 2009-12-20 15:31
RobboLito 0.085e4 against Stockfish 1.5.1 JA

PlaceEngineAuthorCountryPointsSingle results
1RobboLito 0.085e4Y. Golyadkin, I. Igoronov & R. Pescatore38.5/501½½1½110½1-0111111111-11½½½1½1½½-½½½111½11½-½½1½11111½
2Stockfish 1.5.1 JAT. Romstad, M. Costalba & J. Kiiski11.5/500½½0½001½0-1000000000-00½½½0½0½½-½½½000½00½-½½0½00000½

50 of 50 matches played.
RobboLito 0.085e4 v/s Stockfish 1.5.1 JA (50: + 29,= 19,- 2)

Start of tournament: ....... 2009.12.19, 15:12:25
Town/ Country: .............. Dax, France
Level: ............................... Blitz 40/5' repeated
Hardware: ....................... Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU T2370
Engines: .......................... RobboLito 0.085e4 / Stockfish 1.5.1 JA, both using one cpu
Hash: ............................... 128 MB / 128 MB
GUI: ................................. Shredder Classic 3
OS: ................................... Windows Seven
Ponder OFF
Nalimov TB ..................... 3+4+5
Book: .............................. Shredder book, stopped using after 5 moves.
Openings: ....................... 25 different openings randomly chosen by GUI, large mode.

... a very great number of draws, good resistance from Stockfish !

Best regards,
Parent - By Kurt Utzinger Date 2009-12-20 15:39
[quote="Orlando de la Vega"]
... a very great number of draws, good resistance from Stockfish

Does this not sound like an exaggeration? Only two wins out of
50 games? What about the comparison with the match Stockfish
vs Rybka 3.
Parent - By Benno Hartwig Date 2009-12-20 21:36
[quote="Orlando de la Vega"]... a very great number of draws, good resistance from Stockfish ![/quote]You only did 50 games. It is not really astonishing, that there are 19 drawns where you expectet perhaps 16 (and that Stockfish got fewer wins that some may have  expected).
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / RobboLito 0.085e4 against Stockfish 1.5.1 JA

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