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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Announcement:New SCCT 2010 is going to be started !
- - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2009-12-19 14:17
Hallo Dear Friends !

I am pleased to announce:
- i am planning to start a new tournament-SCCT 2010,where this time it will be completely different than all my previous played tournaments

So the new SCCT 2010 will be based not only on own book testings,but also is planning the engines to be tested with different special settings
(for example-Rybka 3 + contept 0,CM settings....),of course the tournament will include testing of same kind engines using different books,
but this time the book conditions will be it will be not allowed testing against same kind of engines,for example Rybka 3 against Rybka 3

Note:New Book/Setting Registrations will be allowed only after when the Engines will finnish their testing with Own Official Books and Default Settings

Fore More Details:

Happy New Year,
Sedat Canbaz
Parent - - By Kurt Utzinger Date 2009-12-19 14:45
Hi Sedat
Great tournament, a pity however the time control (5m/game), but in view
of the number of participants (114 !!!) I see that there is no chance for playing
at longer time control.
Kind regards
Parent - By Sedat Canbaz Date 2009-12-20 14:49
Hello Kurt !

Great tournament
Thank you

but in view of the number of participants (114 !!!)
Yes...right now there are at least 100 participants,but further on i expect much more,probably 500-1000 participants,if we will count all paricipants (registrations of settings/books) But of course its needed a little bit time,in my opinion the standings will be more clear and interesting probably after 1-2 months period

I see that there is no chance for playing
at longer time control.)

Its true...,with a such number of players and games,the test should be only blitz time control,note also that later i am planning to create a rating list,where each participant (at least the top 50 engines) will have minimum 400 games

Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Announcement:New SCCT 2010 is going to be started !

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