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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Shredder 12 against Stockfish 1.5.1 JA
- - By Orlando de la Vega Date 2009-11-07 20:24
Shredder 12 against Stockfish 1.5.1 JA

PlaceEngineAuthorCountryPointsSingle results
1Shredder 12Stefan Meyer-Kahlen27.5/50½½0½101½½½-00011½1½½1-½½1½1½½01½-0111100101-1½½00½10½1
2Stockfish 1.5.1 JAT. Romstad, M. Costalba, J. Kiiski22.5/50½½1½010½½½-11100½0½½0-½½0½0½½10½-1000011010-0½½11½01½0

50 of 50 matches played.
Shredder 12 v/s Stockfish 1.5.1 JA (50: + 18,= 19,- 13)

Start of tournament: ......... 2009.11.06, 21:24:54
Town/ Country: .............. Dax, France
Level: ............................ Blitz 40/5' repeated
Hardware: ...................... Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU T2370
Engines: ......................... Shredder 12 / Stockfish 1.5.1 JA both using one thread
Hash: ............................. 128 MB / 128 MB
GUI: ............................... Shredder Classic 3
OS: ................................ Windows Vista
Ponder OFF
Nalimov TB ..................... 3+4+5
Book: ............................. Shredder book, stopped using after 5 moves.
Openings: ....................... 25 different openings randomly chosen by GUI, large mode.

A very good result from the last Stockfish !!

Best regards,
Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2009-11-07 22:26
Hi Orlando,
50 games are not much, and not really interesting.
But you have done many of these 50-games-matches!
This database seems to be very interesting, depending on such 50-games-matches.
Where can we find all these results together?
Parent - - By Orlando de la Vega Date 2009-11-08 18:09
Hi Benno,

Sorry, but I don't understand your question (cause I speak french )
[quote="Benno Hartwig"]
Where can we find all these results together?
What did you really mean ?

Parent - By Kurt Utzinger Date 2009-11-08 18:12
[quote="Orlando de la Vega"]
Hi Benno,

Sorry, but I don't understand your question (cause I speak french )
[quote="Benno Hartwig"]
Where can we find all these results together?
What did you really mean ?


Hi Orlando
I think that Benno is looking for a rating list or even better a
download adress of all the games you have played under
the same conditions.
Parent - - By Benno Hartwig Date 2009-11-08 18:18
[quote="Orlando de la Vega"]What did you really mean ?[/quote]I would like to find a site, where all results of your 50-games-matches  you have done the last months  are shown.
(That you didn't understand me needn't have it's reason in your language. Sorry for my bad english, Orlando)
Parent - By Orlando de la Vega Date 2009-11-08 18:31
[quote="Benno Hartwig"]
I would like to find a site, where all results of your 50-games-matches  you have done the last months  are shown.
(That you didn't understand me needn't have it's reason in your language. Sorry for my bad english, Orlando)

Ah OK no problem !
I'll do that in a few days.

Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Shredder 12 against Stockfish 1.5.1 JA

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