Auf TCEC wird zur Analyse auch das 4096 Netz herangezogen.
Es rechnet tiefer als das Standart Netz.
Hier einige Informationen auf Discord:
**Format:** Double gauntlet, same as at SuFi 27 binaries: Stockfish and Redfish vs. Lc0 BT4-it332 and BT4-1740 (no same engine games).
**Hardware:** R7 2700X (8c/16t) | RTX 3080 10GB (SM=68) | Syzygy-6
**Stockfish:** SuFi 27 version Stockfish_24120821, abrok avx2; and SuFi 27 kibitzer "Redfish" a recent Stockfish with 4096 net, avx2 compile, bench ok
**Stockfish settings:** 12 threads, 1GB hash, Sy.50mr off, m.o. 0
**Lc0:** compiled w/ Cutlass
**Lc0 settings:** Same as at SuFi 27, see SuFi27-config-note.txt
**Lc0 nets:** BT4-1024x15x32h-swa-6147500-policytune-332.pb.gz , BT4-1740.pb.gz
**Openings:** UHO_Lichess_4852_v1.epd random rev., different opening per game pair
**Time control: Stockfish/Redfish:** G/8s + .1s , **Lc0:** G/16s + .2s
**cutechess-cli:** draw 35. 4 .20, resign 3 5.00 twosided, timemargin=200 restart=on policy=round -srand 2024122420241231 -wait 1000 **Ordo 1.2.6:** s=2400``` RATING ERROR POINTS PLAYED (%) CFS(%) W D L D(%)
1 Stockfish_SuFi27 : 33.8 6.2 2321.0 4000 58.0 100 1376 1890 734 47.3
2 Redfish_4096net : 13.9 6.3 2211.0 4000 55.3 100 1255 1912 833 47.8
3 Lc0.it332_SuFi27 : -20.4 6.1 1753.0 4000 43.8 89 779 1948 1273 48.7
4 Lc0.sufi27_1740 : -27.3 6.4 1715.0 4000 42.9 --- 788 1854 1358 46.4```**Comments:** See SuFi-config-note.txt, the nets' difference kept declining roughly as much as error keeping CFS low, here 1740 ~11% chance of being better.
In the Stockfish Discord search `has:4096` for recent posts on Stockfish with 4096 net.