EPD : erehtc
Time : 5000 ms
Max Total Time Hash
Engine Score Found Pos ELO Score Rate ms Mb Cpu
1 SFS130424 16845 214 256 3906 19405 86.8% 5000 256 8
2 ShashChess35.1 16645 215 256 3861 19405 85.8% 5000 256 8
3 ShashChess35 16375 208 256 3798 19405 84.4% 5000 256 8
4 ShashChess35.2 16205 208 256 3757 19405 83.5% 5000 256 8
5 Crystal7CMB 16105 206 256 3735 19405 83.0% 5000 512 8
15 Lc0.31-6077500 14595 189 256 3384 19405 75.2% 5000 1000 2
16 Lc0-6077500 14590 188 256 3379 19425 75.1% 5000 200 2
17 Lc0-6147500 14480 186 256 3357 19405 74.6% 5000 1000 2
19 Stockfish240412 14270 190 256 3307 19405 73.5% 5000 256 8
33 Ethereal14.25 9360 128 256 2169 19425 48.2% 5000 512 8
34 Seer2.8 8485 118 256 1966 19405 43.7% 5000 256 8
Created with MEA
Program Elo +/- Matches Score Av.Op. S.Pos. MST1 MST2 RIndex
1 ShashChess35.2-HighTal : 3527 4 2576 54.2 % 3497 206/256 1.4s 2.1s 0.86
2 SFSmpv130424 : 3526 4 2620 54.1 % 3497 209/256 1.5s 2.1s 0.82
3 Lc0v0.31.0-rc1-6077500 : 3519 4 2559 53.0 % 3498 198/256 1.4s 2.2s 0.82
4 HypnoS220424 : 3518 4 2520 52.9 % 3498 196/256 1.3s 2.2s 0.84
5 Lc0v0.32.0-dag+git.4cfe7426-6077500 : 3518 4 2521 52.9 % 3498 199/256 1.4s 2.2s 0.83
6 HypnoS030424 : 3515 4 2483 52.3 % 3499 193/256 1.3s 2.2s 0.84
7 Lc0v0.31.0-dag+git.aeb1663f-6147500 : 3512 4 2511 52.0 % 3499 190/256 1.3s 2.2s 0.81
8 Stockfish20240412 : 3503 4 2424 50.5 % 3500 185/256 1.4s 2.4s 0.81
9 Dragon3.3 : 3483 5 2414 47.3 % 3502 165/256 1.3s 2.6s 0.70
10 Obsidian12.0 : 3471 5 2333 45.4 % 3503 154/256 1.3s 2.8s 0.68
11 Berserk13 : 3471 5 2328 45.4 % 3503 157/256 1.5s 2.8s 0.68
12 Caissa1.18 : 3464 5 2316 44.3 % 3504 151/256 1.4s 2.9s 0.65
13 Ethereal14.25 : 3459 5 2297 43.5 % 3504 146/256 1.4s 3.0s 0.63
MST1 : Mean solution time (solved positions only)
MST2 : Mean solution time (solved and unsolved positions)
RIndex: Score according to solution time ranking for each position
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