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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / BanksiaGUI Version 0.57 (New Year – RC0 version) (4 Jan 2023)
- By Max Siegfried Date 2023-01-04 12:27

BanksiaGUI 0.57/rc0 for MS Windows 64 bit
BanksiaGUI 0.57/rc0 for macOS
BanksiaGUI 0.57/rc0 for Apple Silicon
BanksiaGUI 0.57/rc0 for Linux, 64 bit
This version is rc0 to prepare for the first official version (1.0)

Besides some minor bug fixes, many small improvements and changes, there are some new things, including:

Edit variations (Fig. 1)
Display a text in the middle of the board (Fig. 1)
A new choice to view the database tree in the form of a tree (differ from the flat view, page by page to view one node each time) (Fig. 2)
Codesign and notarise for macOS/Apple Silicon binaries. Now users can start the app in a quicker and safer way (users don’t need to shut down Gatekeeper for the app)

Fig. 1 Add/edit variations; show text in the middle of the board

Fig. 2 Another form to show the database tree as a tree, instead of a flat tree by showing page by page
Language packages

To use Banksia GUI with some languages, users can download language packages (extension .qm) and copy them into folder languages (it is located in the same folder with the runnable file of Banksia GUI. For macOS, it is in package, right-click on that to popup menu and select Show Package Contents)

You may help people by translating BSG into your languages by forking one of the below repositories:
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / BanksiaGUI Version 0.57 (New Year – RC0 version) (4 Jan 2023)

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