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Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Leelenstein
- By Guenter Stertenbrink Date 2019-05-17 07:05
mit weniger als 10?% Trainingsaufwand nur ca 50? Elo schwaecher als Lc0 ?
Wer ist Sergio und die 3200 Variante ?

spielt zur Zeit bei cccc , ca. 15 Elo schwaecher als Lc0-42282 (57 Partien)
Auch in der Vorrunde etwa auf diesem Niveau , 92 Partien


Leelenstein US Version 6.1 (v0.22.0-dev) Rating 3646
Developed by: jjosh
Version 3 of Leelenstein has several improvements that required a complete
restart from random initalization again. Net size increased to 20x256 squeeze
excitation net. Optimizer changed from Momentum SGD to GGT. And learning
rate schedule changed to cyclical (SGDR). Also added 1 million 40x256 games
generated from Sergio's Leela variant of around 3200 elo.
Created 2018

Leelenstein started out mostly CCRL games, with some 40b and T30 games.
Currently uses CCRL games + more T30 games + SGDR + GGT + SE,
but started with the same weights as the previous to retain some information
from those other games.

SGDR is new method for learning rate scheduling.
GGT is new SL optimizer.
Gradient Noise (adding to improve start and generalization)

Tested significantly stronger than Gull 3 on 30CPU with a 2080 TI, and beat the Sufi 32930
in a tactics test, but lost head to head.
Up Topic Hauptforen / CSS-Forum / Leelenstein

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