Alt Div P Results
# PLAYER : RATING ERROR POINTS PLAYED (%) CFS(%) W D L D(%) Wscore Bscore Pairs Speed
1 Stockfish 17 : 137 61 39.5 56 70.5 94 25 29 2 51.8 23 16.5 23-0 4.1Mnps
2 Lc0-Bt4-6147500-it332 : 69 56 34.0 56 60.7 81 21 26 9 46.4 19.5 14.5 14-2 2.0Knps
3 Obsidian 14 : 34 52 31.0 56 55.4 83 16 30 10 53.6 17.5 13.5 11-5 6.2Mnps
4 Ceres C1-512-25 : -6 54 27.5 56 49.1 50 12 31 13 55.4 15 12.5 8-9 4.1Knps
5 berserk 13 : -6 55 27.5 56 49.1 55 13 29 14 51.8 16 11.5 8-9 8.2Mnps
6 dragon 3.3 : -11 56 27.0 56 48.2 98 10 34 12 60.7 15 12 8-10 5.8Mnps
7 Ethereal 14.25 : -99 58 19.5 56 34.8 67 6 27 23 48.2 12.5 7 4-21 8.9Mnps
8 Seer 2.80 : -118 55 18.0 56 32.1 --- 3 30 23 53.6 11.5 6.5 0-20 5.9Mnps
White advantage = 0.00 +/- 0.00
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 59.54 % +/- 3.71
Auch ich kann bestätigen, dass Rems M-091024 zu den top Engines gehört.
In der Analyse weit besser als Stockfish 17.
Ceres c1-512-25 is very close / just behind Berserk 13 in strength.
This result bears out the same close matchup from the TCEC Cup
Now just waiting on the release of the new Ceres net - to test for further improvement
# PLAYER : RATING ERROR POINTS PLAYED (%) CFS(%) W D L D(%) Wscore Bscore Pairs Speed
1 berserk 13 : 24 12 434.5 800 54.3 63 211 447 142 55.9 292 142.5 132-63 144.6Mnps
2 Ceres C1-512-25 : 19 27 98.5 200 49.3 76 43 111 46 55.5 68 30.5 25-28 44.0Knps
3 Ceres C1-512-25 Tuned : 3 28 94.0 200 47.0 76 41 106 53 53.0 68 30.5 25-28 44.0Knps
4 Ceres-768x15_NLA : -14 30 89.0 200 44.5 77 32 114 54 57.0 62.5 26.5 12-34 47.3Knps
5 Ceres-768x15_NLA Tuned : -32 28 84.0 200 42.0 --- 26 116 58 58.0 62.5 26.5 12-34 47.3Knps
White advantage = 0.00 +/- 0.00
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 56.55 % +/- 1.65
Ceres 1.00 C1-640-25
Bisher gelöst: 72 von 114 ; 11:08m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
0 | 0 - - - - 0 - - 2 0 7 - 0 0 0 1 0 8 10 0
20 | 0 2 - - 0 0 0 - - - - - - 2 0 0 0 - - 3
40 | 0 0 - 0 - - 11 0 - - - 5 0 0 0 0 0 - - 6
60 | - - 0 0 0 0 - 8 - 4 - - 2 0 - - 6 1 2 -
80 | 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 1 0 - 0 - 9 2 1 3 3 - 0
100 | - 0 0 0 - - 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 5
K/s: 2.499
TotTime: 14:40m SolTime: 11:08m
EPD : 2112.epd
Time : 1000 ms
Max Total Time Hash
Engine Score Found Pos ELO Score Rate ms Mb Cpu
1 Stockfish241113 110920 1836 2112 4018 124155 89.3% 1000 32 4
2 Stockfish241012 109684 1802 2112 3973 124155 88.3% 1000 32 4
3 Lc0v0.32-6147500 108776 1790 2112 3942 124155 87.6% 1000 100 2
4 Lc0v0.31-6147500 108706 1786 2112 3942 124155 87.6% 1000 100 2
5 Ceres1 C1-640-25 104801 1711 2112 3798 124155 84.4% 1000 32 1
6 Obsidian14 103438 1710 2112 3748 124155 83.3% 1000 32 4
7 Dragon3.3 103313 1703 2112 3744 124155 83.2% 1000 32 4
8 Berserk13 96914 1605 2112 3514 124155 78.1% 1000 32 4
Created with MEA
setoption name WeightsFile value C1-256-10
uci info Network evaluation configured to use: <NNEvaluatorDef Network=Ceres:C1-256-10 Device=GPU:0 >
Loaded network weights: C1-256-10
Starting ONNX runtime against C1-256-10.onnx from C1-256-10.onnx with GPU 0 using (CUDA FP16)
0,384 sec TC: ONNX InferenceSession create on model of size 73.151.416 bytes mdiff: 0,00 memTot: 0,00 CPU: 0,48 secs, GC 0 0 0 WS: 0,46 WSPeak: 0,54
Starting ONNX runtime against C1-256-10.onnx from C1-256-10.onnx with GPU 0 using (CUDA FP16)
0,387 sec TC: ONNX InferenceSession create on model of size 73.151.416 bytes mdiff: 0,00 memTot: 0,00 CPU: 0,56 secs, GC 1 1 1 WS: 0,63 WSPeak: 0,69
go nodes 1000
info depth 1 seldepth 1 time 147 nodes 1 score cp 5 tbhits 0 nps 7 pv d2d4 string M= NaN
info depth 3 seldepth 5 time 654 nodes 66 score cp 6 tbhits 0 nps 101 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 string M= NaN
info depth 4 seldepth 7 time 1163 nodes 204 score cp 7 tbhits 0 nps 175 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 c4d5 c6d5 string M= NaN
info depth 4 seldepth 7 time 1706 nodes 386 score cp 6 tbhits 0 nps 226 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 c4d5 c6d5 string M= NaN
info depth 5 seldepth 7 time 2266 nodes 611 score cp 6 tbhits 0 nps 270 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 c4d5 c6d5 string M= NaN
info depth 5 seldepth 8 time 2807 nodes 847 score cp 6 tbhits 0 nps 302 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 c4d5 c6d5 c1f4 string M= NaN
info depth 5 seldepth 9 time 3178 nodes 1000 score cp 6 tbhits 0 nps 315 pv d2d4 d7d5 c2c4 c7c6 c4d5 c6d5 c1f4 a7a6 string M= NaN
bestmove d2d4
| Ceres - A Monte Carlo Tree Search Chess Engine |
| |
| (c) 2020- David Elliott and the Ceres Authors |
| Use help to list available commands. |
| |
| Version 1.00 [git:20f07b0] |
| Runtime .NET 8.0.11 and CUDA 12.70 |
Ceres user settings loaded from C:\eng\Ceres_V1.0.1\Ceres.json
Entering UCI command processing mode.
setoption name WeightsFile value C1-640-25
uci info Network evaluation configured to use: <NNEvaluatorDef Network=Ceres:C1-640-25 Device=GPU:0 >
Loaded network weights: C1-640-25
Starting ONNX runtime against C1-640-25.onnx from C1-640-25.onnx with GPU 0 using (CUDA FP16)
0,787 sec TC: ONNX InferenceSession create on model of size 370.359.758 bytes mdiff: 0,00 memTot: 0,00 CPU: 1,08 secs, GC 0 0 0 WS: 0,78 WSPeak: 1,10
Starting ONNX runtime against C1-640-25.onnx from C1-640-25.onnx with GPU 0 using (CUDA FP16)
0,681 sec TC: ONNX InferenceSession create on model of size 370.359.758 bytes mdiff: 0,00 memTot: 0,00 CPU: 1,05 secs, GC 0 0 0 WS: 1,50 WSPeak: 1,82
Unsupported time control in UCI go command go
go nodes 1000
info depth 1 seldepth 1 time 104 nodes 1 score cp 15 tbhits 0 nps 10 pv e2e4 string M= NaN
info depth 4 seldepth 8 time 616 nodes 120 score cp 8 tbhits 0 nps 195 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1c4 f8c5 d2d3 string M= NaN
info depth 5 seldepth 9 time 1160 nodes 606 score cp 7 tbhits 0 nps 522 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1c4 f8c5 d2d3 d7d6 string M= NaN
info depth 6 seldepth 9 time 1520 nodes 1000 score cp 6 tbhits 0 nps 658 pv e2e4 e7e5 g1f3 b8c6 f1c4 f8c5 d2d3 d7d6 string M= NaN
bestmove e2e4
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